Life in progress

Just Jot It Jan 30 – Blue


I’ve spent the last couple of hours, on and off, trying to come up with something I could write to do with the colour blue. I thought of the sky – something I haven’t seen in a while. First, because it’s been cloudy all year, and second, because I haven’t been out. I’ve missed the sky, and I’ve missed going for walks. Being glued to the couch isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, trust me.

In searching for some pictures of blue sky (I’m sure in hopes of absorbing some vitamin D by force of sheer will), I discovered that I haven’t been out for a walk since November 27th. I know this, because every time I go out, I take a picture.


Next time I see the sun through my window, I’ll make an extra effort to get out in it.


Today’s prompt is brought to us by John Holton of the blog, The Sound of One Hand Typing. Thanks, John! Go give him a visit, and tell him I said hi! Here’s his latest post:

And to find the JusJoJan prompt, click here:

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

10 thoughts on “Just Jot It Jan 30 – Blue

  1. Beautiful picture!


  2. One of those long weekends in January, I spent a Sunday glued to my sofa, and at the end of the day, oh how I felt like an achy Buddha 😉 Great photo 🙂


  3. Especially this time of the year, which can be really gloomy, getting out when it’s sunny, even if it’s cold, is good for you.


  4. That is a beautiful photo, Linda 🙂


  5. I spent a lot of time looking at sky when I was in Mexico last week. Miss those Mexican skies. Hope for more sky gazing for the both of us in the future Linda.


  6. Beautiful photo Linda!… Now we need to get you out more!


  7. Lovely photo Linda…


  8. What a gorgeous photo Linda. Such pretty blues. 🙂


  9. I’m so glad I have some brand new blue sky pictures to share with you, Linda, since you sound like you need them!


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