Life in progress

Outlook Spam?


Am I the only one who’s getting an influx of spam from Outlook e-mail accounts? About half of them are getting through the spam filter, and if I had to estimate, there have been sixty or seventy in the last couple of days. I don’t want to turn off the option to let people who aren’t WordPress users comment on my posts, but this is getting ridiculous. And they’ve started swearing–and threatening to touch me, too! Here’s the last message I sent to spam:

F*ckin’ amazing issues here. I am very happy to peer your article. Thanks so much and i am looking ahead to touch you. Will you kindly drop me a mail?

That was on one of my Second Seat posts. What the bloody hell?

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

62 thoughts on “Outlook Spam?

  1. I’m getting them too on two of my blogs.


    • I don’t seem to be getting the spam, but I am beginning to wonder if I have been hacked. Just now I commented on another blog and decided to open the avatar to see what it says. It says I am a “Blogger” blogger–not a WordPress blogger! How can that be?


  2. I have a slightly different issue. When I tried to comment on a blog post yesterday, I was forced to sign in first. Here I am on my own blog, reading posts from other blogs and I have to sign in?!

    To make a long story short, here I am today–finally after a full day’s work trying to recover my own blog, making a comment again as though nothing happened. However…

    The avatars on both my blogs have changed (not my doing) and I cannot log into my second blog today. All this suddenly with no warning….


  3. Thank goodness I am not the only one. Mine all come in twos. Two emails from two addresses but on the same subject. A lot of them telling me how to recharge old batteries. More alarming is the constant advise on how to deal with toe fungus. I mean ….. how do they know this stuff about me?????


  4. I’m getting them, too. Sometimes it’s scares me.


  5. I got 2 spam comments the past few days, and about 10 outlook email follows in the past week or so.


  6. I haven’t had much SPAM recently, but I have noticed that my comments are often ending up in others’ SPAM folders and regular commenters on my blog are ending up in mine!


  7. Had the same problem and had to remove them one by one . It was annoying though .


  8. I’ve marked them all as spam and that seems to help the spam filters. However, I’ve seen a few bloggers allow these comments onto their posts without realising that the comment is spam. In all cases, the comments had bad grammar and did not appear under the notifications bell symbol on my blog. These spammers are getting cleverer and cleverer, so we’re going to have to keep our eyes peeled. If I’m not sure about any comment (and there is no image or photo on the Gravatar) then I always mark it as spam and then clear out my WordPress spam folder.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’ve had a ton of spam too lately! Was wonderfing about it! I keep sending the comments to the spam and then deleting them, its a lot of work though! ❤


  10. Yikes!!!! : 0 That’s awful! Hope the spam stops!!!!!


  11. I’ve had an influx recently too!


  12. I am facing the same issue here. Majority of these spams are making their way through the filter, primarily due to the fact that they have followed my blog through their fake outlook ids.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Here’s what I’m confused about. That little bell at the top of a WP page? I never see the spammers there. I see likes and follows that never show up there in my email. I don’t open them as the ids seem long and I just delete from there. If there was something to moderate it says so in the preview and I open them. I will start marking the emails as spam.


  14. I had them for a while, like tons a day. They were on posts of mine that were old – like years old – so I deleted the posts and that calmed the spam down.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. There is so much grammatically wrong with that! I hope that wasn’t written by a real human. If it was, that person should walk in front of the bus. On second thought, that’s rude of me to say and I’m realizing that if a person actually responds to that, then there’s a larger problem there.


  16. It appears that they are utilizing the FOLLOW BLOG VIA EMAIL button? I had like 20 funky outlook accounts sign up since Monday. Even though I removed them, they were still able to do their doody work. I toggled the “Comment author must fill out name and e-mail” setting and so far so good. We’ll see what materializes with time…

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Not the only one. I have been too.


  18. And a few others are also getting them. It’s a new tactic, and akismet hasn’t yet adjusted – but if everyone marks them as spam, it might help it deal with them faster.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Yeah. Had a bunch follow me and got a whole bunch of spam comments. I think WP are aware because the followers are not on my account anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. i’ve had a bunch of them over the last 2 days


  21. I received several spam comments that snuck through today.


  22. I had maybe half a dozen or so yesterday, I think, and have 3 more today. And they all seem to be commenting, with rather poor grammar, on the same blog post.


  23. Yuck! I’m getting links asking me to join weight loss forums but that’s awful! Obviously English is not their first language.


  24. I have had one or two but not abusive
    ….. Yet! 🌹💜


  25. I am having the same issues but the number of the outlook mail accounts are very less and no messages have cropped yet.Any suggestions on what to do?


  26. Cyranny said she had those issues.


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