Life in progress

Easily one of the best things on the Internet–Thursday Doors


It’s no secret that I adore doors. And I love going for walks, so Norm Frampton’s prompt, Thursday Doors, provides me with the perfect opportunity to take pictures and get some exercise at the same time!

Having said that, it’s been a while since I went out on a good doorscursion, so I’ll show you some photos I took last May of a beautiful house in my neighbourhood. Oh, how I long for green grass again!

Look at all that fantastic ironwork fencing. I wonder if it’s as old as the house.

The pattern of the fence doesn’t match the iron around the upper windows, but either could have been added later. And look at those doors! They remind me of church doors.

Also to note: if you’re able to click on the image to make it bigger, there’s something with ears on the “roof” of the upper middle window. Probably one of those fake owls that are supposed to keep the birds away.

If you’d like to see more doors, check out Norm’s prompt post, and be sure to go out on a doorscursion of your own!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

18 thoughts on “Easily one of the best things on the Internet–Thursday Doors

  1. Reblogged this on SEO.


  2. That is a pretty cool door. Excellent find. 🙂


  3. Nice find Linda. That is such a beautiful building, I love it.
    I so want to get back to your area to explore some of the grand old historic buildings of that region. We were supposed to go last year but plans got cancelled…sigh. Hopefully sometime soon 🙂


  4. Love the blue of the doors. Gorgeous house.


  5. That’s a lovely old home. We have similar ones near my new office (which happens to be in a big old mansion).

    BTW, I know Thursday Doors is supposed to showcase exterior doors, but is there any reason interior doors couldn’t be shown instead? I’ve seen some really beautiful interior doors, and hallways leading to doors, recently.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That’s a gorgeous home. Love the walk and the fence and the peak. Great trim, really well designed. And yes, greening grass does get the heart racing this time of year!


  7. That’s a wonderful looking home, Linda. I love seeing the green grass, but that’s a bit more landscaping than I’d want to be responsible for. Still, you can’t argue with the beauty.


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