Life in progress

#SoCS – Butterfly


The butterfly is one of the few insects we tend to be able to handle in profusion. Seriously, imagine going to tour a mayfly sanctuary. Or touring a housefly sanctuary, for that matter. Bleh.

Monarch butterfly

This observation was driven home to me the other day when I saw a video of Monarch migration. Here’s a fascinating video.

Sorry for the short post today. Feeling better, but have to get to a birthday party at the bowling alley. Yay!

This short post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the link and join in!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

15 thoughts on “#SoCS – Butterfly

  1. fascinating! I love the butterfly! one of my fave bugs


  2. Thank you for sharing this video! That is a long way to travel. I’d rather have all the bugs than no butterflies. I hope you’re having a relaxing evening after the bowling party. Take care!


  3. I’ve been to the monarch migration place in CA (forget the location name) and it was amazing. What really stuck with me was the sound of all of those butterfly wings. It was loud!


  4. Beautiful butterflies 💜💜


  5. I’m still chuckling at the notion of a housefly sanctuary. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Enjoy the party.


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