Life in progress

Flu – #JusJoJan Jot #11


At the risk of sounding like I’m moaning–I never do that, do it?–Alex was home for the day again, still coughing even though it’s been almost two weeks since he came out of hospital with pneumonia.

I assumed they were going to give him his flu shot at school, like they always have, but they’ve stopped doing it. Now I have no idea whether he should get it or if we should wait until he’s completely better.

In all, it was one of those days where you wish you had a parenting owner’s manual. You know those days, right?

Should I send him to school or shouldn’t I? Should I cut him some slack because he might be misbehaving because he’s sick? Or is he pushing my buttons because he got out of going to school and now he’s seeing how much further he can go?

Ugh. Yeah, it was one of those days.

But now he’s at his dad’s, finally. First time since the first week of November. I’m feeling the exhaustion–it’s hitting me like a tonne of bricks. I think I might go to bed. And stay there until Sunday.

Have a good one, my friends.

The prompt “flew/flu/flue,” for today’s post is brought to you by M. Oniker! Thanks, M! To find her latest post, click here.

It’s never too late to participate in Just Jot it January! Click the following link to find out how, and see all the other participants’ links in the comment section. It’s fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

20 thoughts on “Flu – #JusJoJan Jot #11

  1. Enjoy the break, Linda. I hope Alex recovers fully and that life gets back to normal soon.


  2. Good thing Dad has him and you finally get some well deserved rest. Make the decision later!


  3. Good. Let his father deal with him for a change. (That sounds meaner than it should, doesn’t it?) Get some rest.


  4. Those are some of my least favorite parenting conundrums. I’m sure you’ll make all the right choices.


  5. Definitely get some rest while you can and yes I think the advice here would e to wait until Alex is well before having a flu jab.


  6. You sound like you need a rest Linda. I dope hope Alex will get better soon. I also think you should wait until he is better before having the flu jab. If in doubt ask your doctor or nurse they will know. Be well Sis 💜💜💜💜


  7. For a mother/parents, it’s bad to see their children suffer. They want to make them comfortable at any cost.


  8. I am not a parent, but I think that one of the questions that you get asked before you get the flu shot is about being healtyy, so in my opinion you need to wait for Alex to fully recover before getting him the shot.


  9. Going to bed is exactly what I am going to do. The snow is suppose to start 9 and snow through noon tomorrow. I may not even get out of bed. Hope you get some much needed rest. And Hope Alex continues to heal.


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