Life in progress


SoCS & JusJoJan the 1st – Resolve

I know what you’re thinking.

Is that actually Linda? Like, writing a real post? On her blog?

And the answer is yes. ‘Tis me. The great and powerful LindOz.

Who we all know was never great nor powerful at all.

Ah, I’ve missed stream of consciousness writing. Can’t delete it now. It’s the rule.

So I’m resolving to do my best to participate in JusJoJan every day. My posts might all be stream of consciousness, for the simple reason that it means I don’t have to plan what I’m going to write.

Because planning what I’m going to write makes my brain ache these days. Since November 1st, I’ve written more than 90K words, and I don’t plan to slow down much.

Aside from my resolve to post this month, my resolve for the year is to publish at least three books, plus a weekly serial I’m writing under a secret pen name. 5K words on each of 52 weeks. I’ve written almost half of it, but I plan to write at least three quarters of it before I start publishing.

Is all this an actual resolution? Like, a new year’s resolution?

I suppose by definition it is.

But I’m almost superstitious about those. I don’t think I’ve ever actually followed through with one.

So let’s not call it that.




This odd post is brought to you by SoCS and Just Jot it January. Click the link to see how you, too, can join in! It’s fun!


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