Life in progress


#JusJoJan the 14th – Freckled

A lot of people know of my struggles in life.

Single with two disabled adult kids.

Two full-time jobs (which I’m blessed to be able to do from home).

An only child whose mother is in a long term care home, who I don’t see nearly enough (her home has been in outbreak status since before Christmas, though none of the residents are sick—staff in the home tested positive).

But with all this and more (did I mention housework? It’s the bane of my existence I tell you!)…

My life is freckled with moments of joy.

It finds spots in my day through the laughter of my children,

the occasional sale of a book,

something online that makes me smile,

the coming together of this blogging community …

These things (and more) make everything worth getting up in the morning.


This day-late (sorry, Maggie!) stream of consciousness post is brought to you by Just Jot it January and Maggie, with the prompt, “freckled.” Check out Maggie’s post here. Thank you so much for the prompt, Maggie!


#JusJoJan the 13th – Protocol

I’ve set up a specific list of to-dos this year—an informal protocol, one might say, for keeping myself on track.

How am I doing with that so far?

Well, my writing and editing have been consistent.

I have walking written down too, but I’ve missed that a couple of days so far.

Blogging? Yeah, not so much.

But you know what trips me up the most?

Stuff I wasn’t expecting.

That stuff does not follow protocol.

No sirree.


This tardy (sorry, John!) stream of consciousness post is brought to you by Just Jot it January and John Holton with the prompt, “protocol.” Check out John’s post here. Thank you so much for the prompt, John!


#JusJoJan the 11th – Cosmopolitan

Yes, I’ve always loved traveling.

I love the experience of seeing how other people live. I love people-watching.

But I don’t think that makes me “cosmopolitan.”

I’m just really curious.

I actually had to look up cosmopolitan in the dictionary to make sure I knew what it meant.

Here’s what Merriam-Webster has to say.

1 : marked by interest in, familiarity with, or knowledge and appreciation of many parts of the world not provincial, local, limited, or restricted by the attitudes, interests, or loyalties of a single region, section, or sphere of activity worldwide rather than regional, parochial, or narrow
2 marked by sophistication and savoir faire arising from urban life and wide travel

Yeah, I’ve got the appreciation part down and the wide travel. But sophisticated? Me?

I live in my pajamas.

When I’m not traveling, of course.


This very late (sorry, Willow!) stream of consciousness post is brought to you by Just Jot it January and Willow with the prompt, “cosmopolitan” Check out Willow’s post here. Thank you so much for the prompt, Willow!