Life in progress


#JusJoJan the 31st – Being facetious

Who knew it was possible to hit the finish line after missing half the race?

Seems like I took a shortcut.

More like I got lost. Because it wasn’t intentional.

However, I did follow the Just Jot it January rules: I’ve written 20,375 words on one project, and edited 91 pages on another. Plus I’ve beta-read two other people’s books and written ten pages of feedback for each. And I published a boxed set of Books 1-3 of my paranormal magician series. ( <– That’s a link to the stores that have uploaded it so far. 😀 Apple and B&N are coming.)

So what about this post is funny or facetious? Maybe the first line. Funny is hard when you feel guilty, as it turns out.

I still plan to post for the prompts I missed, belated as they’ll be.

In the meantime, thanks so much for hanging in there with me! I’ll be back tomorrow with a wrap up post and your participation badge.

See you then. 🙂


This frustrating post is brought to you by Just Jot it January and Susan! Check out Susan’s post here! Click the following link to see how you, too, can join in! It’s fun!


Daily Prompt – JusJoJan the 31st, 2022

Hi there! I’m here with your final Daily Prompt of 2022. Today is January 31st, so this is the 31st prompt for Just Jot it January 2022, and it’s brought to us by Susan. Thank you, Susan! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there, if you’re not already.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 31st, 2022, is “facetious.” Use the word “facetious” any way you’d like. Enjoy!

If you’d like to see what I have so far on your prompt list, you can find it HERE.

Here are the rules:

1. Please be sure to link back to THIS POST for January 31st, 2022.

2. Just Jot It January starts January 1st, but it’s never too late to join in! Here, we run on the honour system; the “jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post, it can even be a grocery list), counts as a “jot.” If it makes it to your blog that day, great! If it waits a week to get from a sticky note to your screen, no problem!

3. I’ll post prompts at 2am my time (GMT -5). You don’t have to follow the prompt every day, but that will be where you leave your link for others to see. You’ll get a prompt for every day except Wednesday, when the prompt is simply my One-Liner Wednesday and on Saturday, when your prompt will be the Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS, which will appear at about 9:30am Friday. Each prompt post will include the rules.

4. Please ping back or link to the daily prompt. To ping back, just copy the URL from the daily prompt post, and paste it anywhere in your post. Check to make sure your link shows up where you want it to, and go back occasionally to see other bloggers’ entries – the more you visit others, the more they’ll visit you! Note: A) The newest pingbacks will be at the top of the comments section. B) Ping backs only work if you’re blogging on WordPress. Everyone else must paste a link manually.

5. Tag your post JusJoJan and/or #JusJoJan.

6. Write anything! Any length will do! It can even be a photo or a drawing – you’re going to title it, right? There’s your jot!

7. The prompts will appear every day that’s neither a Wednesday nor a Saturday–Saturday’s JusJoJan prompt will be Stream of Consciousness Saturday. You’ll find the list of prompts below as they come in, which means I’ll be updating this post. Remember, you don’t have to use the prompts. Please write whatever inspires you. NOTE: If your post is NSFW, do not ping back. Please leave your link in the comments with a warning.

8. If you’d like to, use the JusJoJan badge so that others can find your post more easily.

9. Have fun!