Life in progress


A Belated #JusJoJan the 17th – Joy

As promised, I’m catching up on the #JusJoJan posts. The prompt for this post was brought to you by Just Jot it January in February and Indieshe! Check out Indieshe’s blog here!


I’m generally a joyful person.

I tend to find the silver lining in things.

Or at least the platinum lining.

The nickel lining?

Okay, sometimes it’s plastic. But it’s happy plastic.

I drank some wine the other night. That made me joyful.

Until it made me tired.

It was the last bottle of the batch of 30 I made, like, more than two years ago, before Christmas of 2019.

I used to drink enough wine to make batches of it worthwhile.

But now?

Not so much.

I find not a lot of joy in a bottle. Just sleepiness.

But you see? Wine comes in glass bottles.

Not happy plastic.


Watch out for Just Jot it January next year. It’s fun!