Life in progress

#JusJoJan the 27th/23 – Social amenities


Our prompt word for January 27th is “amenities.” Thanks so much, Kim, for the neat prompt!

I’ve been having issues with one of my amenities today. Specifically, my internet. Which is part of the reason I’m posting this so late. My reason for yesterday’s late posting? I forgot to hit the publish button. o_O

But I digress.

I learned something new today!

As I often do when I’m looking for inspiration for a post, I opened the dictionary. (I’m such a nerd.)

And I found this in Merriam-Webster:

usually amenities something (such as a conventional social gesture) that promotes smoothness or pleasantness in social relationships

<maintaining social amenities>

Who knew?

Now that I know, it explains a few things for me.

I come to my blog and to most of the social media sites I visit to be social. To have nice conversations with nice people.

Which, I’ve realized, is why I feel icky when I use social media (or my blog) to try to sell my books.

Sure, they tell you when you advertise that you’re giving the consumer something they need (like my books), or something that will make you happy (definitely my books), but I can’t help but feel that it’s unsmooth and unpleasant to talk about buying my books (which you absolutely want to do) with people who are just trying to have a nice conversation with me.

So perhaps the subliminal approach is best.

Because the truth is, I’m excited about my books. Especially when I have a new release coming out soon. And although it might seem to lack social amenities to talk about my books, I’m sure there are people out there who are excited for me.


Yeah, no. Totally unsmooth.


This totally subliminal post is brought to you by Just Jot it January and Kim! Please be sure to check out Kim’s blog here!

For Just Jot it January, click the following link to see how you, too, can join in! It’s fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

24 thoughts on “#JusJoJan the 27th/23 – Social amenities

  1. I am excited for you. I am also excited for me, since I preordered that thing.


  2. It’s as if a writer has to have a split personality to write and to market since they are two different mindsets. I haven’t found the balance between them, yet. Great news on your upcoming book release!


  3. Always glad to hear when authors I love have something new coming! 💞💞💞

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations! I am excited, too!


  5. You deserve to be excited! You worked hard for it. And congratulations.


  6. Great post Linda and if you don’t promote your books who will?


  7. I love hearing about your new books!


  8. I was on the bookstore couples of days ago and tried to look around your masterpiece book but I disappointed coz I didn’t find it.


  9. Nothing unsocial about telling us about your books


  10. I wish I would have seen this other definition before I wrote my post! I could have worked it in, but I love what you did with it! Good luck with your books!


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