Life in progress


Nano Poblano – Day 16: 10 Random Whiches

1. Which witch is which?

2. Which is better: slapstick or dry?

3. Which beverage makes the most sense?

4. Which one?

5. Which would you rather be: a sandwich or a set of false teeth?

6. Which Disney character are you most like?

7. Which colour is the best colour in the world to paint a kitchen?

8. Which sound is the most annoying ever?

9. Which is better: digital or analogue?

10. Which musician would you bring back from the dead, if you could?

As always, a point for every good answer, and a bonus point for your “which” question to me. Funniest answer (decided by me) may be posted as my One-Liner Wednesday. Go!




10 Random Whats

1. What makes it possible for spiders to crawl on ceilings?

2. What if vegetables were the best tasting thing on earth and chocolate tasted horrible?

3. What time is it when the rooster crows?

4. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a duck?

5. What if our noses were upside down? Would we drown when it rains?

6. What is the most magical thing ever?

7. What colour is the sky in your world?

8. What is shiny, has four wheels and flies in the summer?

9. What was the first word you ever read?

10. What makes the world go ’round?

As always, answer all the questions for all the points. Bonus points if you come up with your own “What” question – double the points if I can’t come up with a witty response.