Life in progress


28. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Note: Strong language, adult theme.

Thursday, September 28th, 8:00am
Robert and Donald


Robert: So let me get this straight. You went to a psychiatrist to get a cure for gay…

Donald: (looks around to make sure no one is within earshot) Not a cure. I just wanted to know if I am.

Robert: Right. And then from the psychiatrist’s office you went home and fucked your wife.

Donald: But you forgot about the woman I met on the bus before the appointment.

Robert: The … catalyst … you called her?

Donald: Yes. She told me I might be (whispers) bisexual.

Robert: Uh huh. So to prove that, you came over to my place after you did your wife and propositioned me?

Donald: I went to the bar in between.

Robert: And got drunk.

Donald: Right.

Robert: So you’re an inhibited gay.

Donald: (raises eyebrows) I’m a what?

Robert: Well, if you have to let your inhibitions go in order to get on your knees and …

Donald: SHHHH!!!!!

Robert smiles.

Donald: We’re still not talking about this.

Robert: We weren’t doing much talking that night either.

Donald: I mean at work.

Robert: (rubs hands together) Yep!

Donald: (frowns) What do you mean “yep”?

Robert: (smiles) I think it’s time for a raise, boss.



Next stop: Friday, September 29th, 6:00pm

Click here to learn all about this series, how it works, and where to find your favourite characters.


20. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Note: Adult theme.

Wednesday, September 20th, 8:00pm
Zoey (and Donald)


Zoey sits beside the window. Donald takes the seat beside her.

Donald: Hi.

Zoey: (looks at him suspiciously) Hiii?

Donald: Nice night out.

Zoey: You’re not going to ask me if you can play with yourself, are you?

Donald: (laughs) No. I’m on my way to a psychiatrist appointment.

Zoey turns to the window.

Donald: (leans toward her and whispers) I think I might be gay.

Zoey: And you need a psychiatrist for that?

Donald: I don’t want to be (whispers) gay.

Zoey: I don’t think you have much of a choice. You are or you aren’t. Or you’re bi.

Donald: (raises his eyebrows) Bi? You mean that’s really a thing? I thought it was a myth.

Zoey rolls her eyes and stares out the window.

Donald: You know, come to think of it, you kind of turn me on.

Zoey: Take your dick out and I’ll kick it.

Donald moves to another seat.


Next stop: Thursday, September 21st, 8:00am

Click here to learn all about this series, how it works, and where to find your favourite characters.


11. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Note: Adult theme.

Monday, September 11th, 8:00am
Donald and Robert


Donald: So, we don’t say anything about this to anyone at work, right?

Robert: But you just said I gave you the best …

Donald: (whispers) Quiet!!

Robert smiles self-satisfactorily.

Donald: (stage-whispers) You know I was drunk. And you know I’m not …

Robert: You’re not what?

Donald: (stage whispers) That way!

Robert: You mean gay?

Donald: SHHHH!! (rolls eyes to the ceiling) What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Robert: (grinning) My mouth for one thing.

Donald glares at him.

Robert: Okay, okay. I’ll be discreet. As long as you promise me one thing.

Donald: What’s that?

Robert: That you’ll let me buy you lunch today.

Donald: That’s it?

Robert: You want more?

Donald looks back up to the ceiling and Robert smiles to himself.


Next stop: Tuesday, September 12th, 5:00pm


Click here to learn all about this series, how it works, and where to find your favourite characters.