Life in progress

Summer Blossoms



Click the photo for a close-up







I’m not sure what kind of tree this is, but I thought the blossoms were pretty.










Of course my helper for today’s paper route wanted his picture taken with one. Not sure what was distracting him, but the good news is, nothing ran me over.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

18 thoughts on “Summer Blossoms

  1. well at first I thought it was a crepe myrtle – (and I have a similar photo on my blog because coincidentally amy at “the world is a book” has a similar gravatar – anyhow, when I saw the trunk of the tree I realized there was not way it was a c.m.
    and the helper shot is cute. ❤ –


  2. I love your helper… Give him a big hug for me


  3. Another vote for catalpa – when they go to seed, they make huge long pods. I’ve heard them referred to as cigar trees. Love the blossoms and love the fact that they bloom later in the season. Very exotic. The little guy is adorable.


  4. Beautiful photos and your son looks so happy, nice to see 😀


  5. Pingback: Summer Blossoms | Journey Of A Nifty Day Trader

  6. had not has. gah Learn to type, Debra


  7. I just learned about those trees this year. It was the first time I has ever seen one. I believe it is a catalpa. Cutest-helper-EVER btw


  8. Lovely tree! LCute-as-a-button helper!


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