Life in progress

SoCS – Scattered cents and sense


You know what’s weird? The fact that now the penny has been taken out of circulation in Canada, you never find a penny on the ground anymore. The last coin I came across as I was walking was a dime. Are people more likely to just leave dimes on the ground now rather than pick them up? Or was this just some unfortunate soul who didn’t realize he or she was dumping his or her change out of his or her pocket?

Grammar really makes no sense, does it? My best friend’s brother, who was on the team that wrote spell check and grammar check, tells me that with all the different rules in all the different countries on grammar, it isn’t possible to write a grammatically correct sentence. One rule will be broken unless you completely ignore all the other countries and are never read outside of your own. Interesting stuff, that.

In other news, I have the weekend off. No kids. Lovely, eh? Yet I have so much to do, it’s hard to know where to start. I’m just plowing through everything as a result. Which is good, except I keep forgetting to eat and drink. I often make myself a cup of tea and leave it to steep… for an hour. I can’t stand cold tea, or coffee, or anything else that’s supposed to be hot when it’s cold. Except pizza. And occasionally spaghetti.

I need to go now.

This post is part of SoCS: It’s fun! Give it a try!

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

and also Nano Poblano, hosted by Mr. Mark Bialczak himself


and SlapMeSillyBloMoPoWhatever


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

44 thoughts on “SoCS – Scattered cents and sense

  1. Having free time can be scary: the pressure to get stuff done can be paralyzing, for me. But the coldness of your pizza probably indicates that you are being productive 🙂 This post had a true SoCS feel, especially the last line.


  2. Great post, Linda. I am so glad we no longer have pennies, we talked about it for so long…at least dimes aren’t as heavy (grins)


  3. LOL, dimes from heaven. Does that mean 10 angels are sending us messages instead of one? 🙂 And who’s getting rich on the penny difference – over 3 cents we pay the nickel? Food for thought. 🙂


  4. Because my state shares a border with Canada, we often have Canadian coins show up in our change. When you took your pennies out of circulation, I thought our mint should just have bought them from you so they would not have to mint as many, given that they cost more to make than they are worth.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Enjoy the time off! One step at a time! No stress allowed 😉


  6. I forget to eat whenever I have the chance to get things done, too!


  7. Good for you, Canada! Here’s a great video on why the US needs to be more like Canada:


  8. Ha, I enjoyed your amusing post! First of all, I’d forgotten hearing that Canada no longer uses the penny, so being reminded of that and learning about the dime phenomenon was interesting! And I never thought about grammar that way; I guess it really is hard not to break some rule no matter what, huh? I got a kick out of you and your tea, too; I don’t mind hot beverages that have gotten cool, but I do dislike how strong the tea tastes when I also steep it too long…OK, now go eat and drink something! Just a friendly reminder… 🙂


  9. Nano Poblano may be OK cold, too, Linda G. 🙂


  10. They (the U.S. government) talk about taking the penny out of circulation like they did with you up north, yet I have yet to see one price rounded out to the five cent mark up or down. I think we’re going to have it for a while longer.


    • They don’t round anything at the cash register here – it would be impossible because of the tax. So if you pay with debit or credit, you still pay the pennies. It’s only if you pay cash that the amount gets rounded out by the cashier. You win some, you lose more… because 3s and 7s get rounded up, not down.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I prefer all my food cold, or at room temperature.
    Hey, only one more post to go 🙂 — Or is EvDaDaDec a thing this year?


  12. I can identify with the cold tea/coffee syndrome. I do it all the time. I like my drinks as hot as possible, so I must always reheat and they don’t taste quite the same 😉


  13. “…it isn’t possible to write a grammatically correct sentence.” I don’t believe that that’s true. And I also believe that the sentence I just wrote is a grammatically correct sentence. At least in American and U.K. English. Is it not?


    • I would say so. Maybe he meant it’s not correct if it’s translated – he helped write the program for every language that has grammar check. I’ll have to clarify. I’ll get back to you on that one. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Mmmmm cold pizza 🙂

    Interesting perspective on grammar. I guess that means my sentences are correct somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Fun Linda. Enjoy your weekend 😉


  16. Do have some fun this weekend! Always liked cold pizza too, and room temperature pizza the best.


  17. Funny! Especially the last line. We still have pennies in the USA, but not for long I hear. Oh well, better cash in that big penny jar, Americans! Always love reading your posts.


  18. Enjoy your weekend…weeeee!! I`ll toast a Chardonnay for you:)


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