Life in progress

The Perfect Place to Live



We’re having a snow day. It’s the third one since school started in September. I swear, all there has to be is the slightest whiff of the white stuff and the school buses are canceled. So I’m home with Alex today, doing my best to keep him entertained instead of doing what I need to do. For instance, getting out of my pyjamas. …okay, maybe I don’t really need to do that, but you get the picture.

For many of us in Canada, snow and cold weather is something to be dreaded. Reasons vary; some of us northern dwellers only hate snow because it’s a pain the ass to drive in, some can’t stand it when they walk outside and their nose hairs freeze with the first breath (okay, most of us hate that), and some, like me, simply don’t like having cold feet all the time. But we Canadians live with it because overall, Canada is a great place to live.

Earthquakes, tornadoes, and extreme heat are just a few things that make Canada and other places on earth unpleasant at times. Yet they are, in most cases, worth suffering through to stay where we are. Is there any such thing as the perfect place to live? I mean, we all have something where we live that makes life unpleasant, or even downright terrifying at times, don’t we? .

What forces of nature make your country/state/province/island a great and yet not-so-great place to live?

After you comment, please head over to vote in Cover Wars for my book cover. You can vote once every 24 hours. Here’s the link: Both Belinda, my lovely cover artist, and I appreciate it! We’re way behind and we’ve gotta catch up!


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

27 thoughts on “The Perfect Place to Live

  1. I’m a Canadian expat and love living in Madrid, Spain. It’s sunny almost all year round. Of course it has its downsides, although I can’t think of them right now 🙂
    Have you ever given thought of moving to Spain?


  2. The extreme heat down here gets to me but I have to say it helps living in Melbourne area as the weather changes pretty regularly. And the fires the summer brings along. I think that is actually the worst part here. We do not have massive earthquakes and so far no hurricanes… just a lot of venomous creepy crawlies…


  3. Luckily, over here in the UK we don’t get extremes in the weather, in fact, we never know quite what we are going to get! Every day is a surprise. 🙂


  4. Here in Indy, it’s a lot like there. Blizzards and ice storms sometimes, flooding fairly often, rarely an earthquake, but LOTS of tornadoes.


  5. Despite the extreme cold (and heat in summer) I love living in Canada because it is such a safe country to live in.


  6. I like having all 4 seasons…each has its problems, but more so, its beauty. I love that photo…the icicles make it !


  7. May I suggest getting some Uggs? They’re pricey but last forever (mine are going on 7yrs) and ever so warm. I put em on when I wake up and they only come off when I sleep.
    Gonna vote again now thx for the reminder! 😉


  8. Hmmm, are taxes and stupid drivers forces of nature? Oh, then I guess I got nothin’. We’re mostly immune to “big nature” here in CT, but we get our share of snow and rain and tornadoes, but we tend to take it in stride. Except for the stupid drivers.


  9. I’m glad you said we can vote more than once! I will.


  10. actually, the uk is the perfect place to live.


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