Life in progress

#SoCS, Just Jot It Jan 14 – People


People are funny. Particularly around authors. Most will give you a blank stare if you tell them you’re a writer… I wonder often if they’re just thinking, “what do I say now? And will it end up in a book?” This is why I don’t tell people I’m a writer unless they ask.

But there was one day, a couple of months ago, when I was sitting by the water on my favourite waterfront trail and a woman came along and started talking to me. She told me she was there to write her novel… as if she expected me to be flabbergasted that I was talking to a real writer. We ended up chatting about Amazon and Createspace for the following half an hour, though she couldn’t help herself from occasionally giving me the odd advice on how to write, edit, and publish. No matter how many times I said, “yeah, I know.”


Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I was sitting in a restaurant, minding my own business, proofreading my own manuscript. It’s printed out in a spiral-bound book and I’ve been working through it with a red pen. The waitress stopped to give me my tea, as waitresses do, and she asked me if I’m a teacher. I said no, I’m a writer. She reacted the way the lady down on the waterfront expected me to.

“You’re writing a book? What kind? Can we buy it at the bookstore? Do you have a card or anything?”

*makes note to get cards or bookmarks printed*

Needless to say I got better-than-average service that evening.

I keep having to remind myself that though many people think they can write a book, not everyone actually does it. I’m surrounded here on WordPress by so many talented people, so many authors and people who know authors, that it has become normal for me. And yet I remember the first time my blog was followed by a “real author” and I was flabbergasted, even though I had already written three novels myself. Because he was published, and I wasn’t.

I love people. People are who populate my novels. I write novels about people, not about events. I don’t write plots – I write about things that happen to people and how those people react, and that builds my plots.

I really need to write more.



This post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot It January. The prompt for this week is the letter “p,” with the challenge to start and end the post with a “P” word… thus the potato. Click the following link to join in and read all the other awesome posts!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

29 thoughts on “#SoCS, Just Jot It Jan 14 – People

  1. Pingback: SoCS: The late edition | Ginni bites!

  2. Enjoyed reading about your writer stand off (ok so it wasn’t but I can use creative license surely) … this gives me an idea.. oh no now I’m going to have to start the soc prompt now and post it up later


  3. I don’t get out as often since I began writing books, but whenever I’m out and the question is posed asking what I do and I tell them I’m a writer most people are fascinated. The only people who don’t really care are the people in my own life LOL. Gotta love community! 🙂


  4. Did potato just jump into your head or was it sparked by watching TV where potato is said at the end of the credits of a show? (Can’t think of the show right now but it definitely happens!) Either way an interesting post. Hope you’ve sourced your business cards 🙂


  5. Potato?😂 Great post. People’s reactions when you say you’re a writer a very diverse!


  6. People. That’s interesting, Linda! Since I myself do not write books, I would be the one who was flabbergasted when you (a real author) followed my tiny blog-let 🙂 Love the potato. That’s why you are a real author and I am not. I didn’t even try for the bonus points. 😦


    • Haha! I usually forget about the bonus points… and I make up the rules! 😛
      Thanks so much, Kelli. 🙂 I’m nothing to get flabbergasted over though. I’m just someone trying to do my best, just like everyone else. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I bet some of those blank stares are about: “I wish I could be a writer. Could I write a book? When would I find the time? What would I write about?” I can imagine thinking those thoughts ten years ago if someone told me she was a writer. Potato isn’t cheating here because it’s SOC. If you thought potato, you had to type it.


  8. This was really great, Linda. I chuckled at your mental note to get business cards. I stopped a minute to think, at the part about you being flabbergasted when followed by a “real” author. I can see both sides to that. Being published must be so validating. At the same time, does it change at all the content/substance/quality of one’s writing? No, it doesn’t…but we validation is what it is…

    Great read:)


    • Thanks, Jami. 🙂 Really, all that happens when we write more (and learn) is we get better.
      It’s that first dollar (or in my case 35 cents) that validates us as writers, you’re right. Money is the magic that changes us from amateurs to professionals. Strange, isn’t it?


  9. Being able to write and writing a book are not at all the same thing. It’s my someday dream. Not like saying that is getting me any closer.

    I love how you start and end this post Linda. I am endlessly fascinated by people and they are why I keep trying to understand, why they do what it is that they do, even the ridiculous ones. Sometimes there are never the answers I wish there were. Doesn’t mean I stop being curious or trying to understand. I can see how important your writing and writing about people and their behaviours is to you. Good luck with the editing of your manuscript.


  10. I don’t think potato is cheating. I liked it. I agree with you about that feeling when an honest-to-goodness author follows you. I feel that way about you too!


  11. You need me both!… by the way… potato?! Cheat!!! Lol! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

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