Life in progress

#SoCS, Just Jot It Jan 21 – Glass


Ah, finally. After a busy day, sitting with a glass of wine or two, happily flitting to and fro like an insane Pomeranian, trying to choose from the many possibilities on what to write of “glass.”

It’s insane, but here I am communicating to the world as my fingers stroke a keyboard, and symbols which can be read appear on a sheet of backlit glass, to instantaneously fly through the ether and into the homes of so very many onlookers. What power! How would Shakespeare have handled such fluidity of information? How much has been lost…

We are such fragile things, we humans with our egos and our importances that we carry with us from day to day, year to year, some falling away like forgotten leaves beneath the first snow. What if we could get a glimpse back through time to the things we found, in the past, to be life-changing but weren’t? We scoff at it now, just as we scoff at the clothes we wore, captured through the lenses of our memory-saving devices – you know, the ones we never had with us when it was most crucial. But now…now…

So much is seen through glass.

I see through my glass that it is empty, again. Time for a refill, methinks.


This philosophical post is brought to you by a combination of Stream of Consciousness Saturday and


Just Jot It January. Click the link, read the posts, and join in!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

20 thoughts on “#SoCS, Just Jot It Jan 21 – Glass

  1. I’ll just be over to join you….what are we drinking?☺


  2. I have another glass or two for you! Here’s to modern technology!! Cheers! 🍷🍷🍸🍸


  3. You should never have an empty glass! Always better when it’s more than half full 🙂


  4. I’m reading this early, next day. Too early to join you but – cheers.


  5. Cheers to that Linda… oh, and happy birthday!!!


  6. Deep thoughts LindaGHill’s it wasn’t nearly 8am I would join you in a glass of wine too! xxxx


  7. Cheers !

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Raises a glass to Linda! =)

    Liked by 1 person

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