Life in progress

#SoCS – Can Can-Can


Can I catch a break? Seems not today. Dealt with a cold and bad behaviour from my kiddie who’s about to become an adult-ie. He was supposed to have his eighteenth birthday party dinner with the family tonight but instead he ended up going to his room for hitting me. He’s still only about 5 feet tall and not muscular at all (I can still pick him up), so he didn’t do any damage, but that’s not the point. He’s still at the terrible-twos-going-on-adolescent stage of his life.

But I did kind of catch a break. When you think of the brighter side, at least I didn’t have to get out of my pj’s today to go to the store and get a cake. And I’m feeling a bit better, so that’s something.

I suppose all in all I don’t have it that bad. I have a roof over my head and a way to communicate to the world. I have a little bit of an income, though that will have to change, again, since Alex is turning eighteen. I stand to lose a huge chunk of my income starting Tuesday. Like, about half of it. Wanna buy a book?

In all honesty, I’ve been working quite hard at marketing these last few weeks. It hasn’t got me very far, but I’m hoping it’s just a learning curve. I’ve been playing around with Canva–a free online graphics-making site. I made this tonight:

It’s fun to play with.

Can I get better at it? Sure I can. And I will.

I can also finish the third book in my series and maybe even write another book before the year is out. I’m incredibly motivated right now, and I’m itching to act like an author again. I feel like I can do this.

Which isn’t a good attitude to go to bed with, because I’m probably going to stay awake plotting a new book, or my life or something.

Where was I going with the title of this post? Oh yeah.

Can I admit something?

I always wondered if Cannes was where the can-can originated.

I can look it up.

But it’s late.

I used to be able to do the can-can. Now I can only do it with my fingers.

Still, I’m glad I can.

SoCS badge by Pamela, at

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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

19 thoughts on “#SoCS – Can Can-Can

  1. I am sorry your losing your income! That sucks! They sure don’t make things easy for disabled people and their families! I know as I am blind! Xox


  2. HUGS! You made me laugh with your finger can-can, though. Pictures of the stockings and garters!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Now I’m curious to see the result of your fingers doing the can-can near your keyboard. Blindfold and headset on…get ready…go!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: #SoCS – Can Can-Can – my multiple life

  5. Gah. I’m sorry for you on several counts. Shame on Alex. Tsk. I could go for cake, but I’d rather be home in jammies, too.
    I hope you catch a break soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Parenting an adolescent of any age is really hard work. So is marketing a book. My hat’s off to you, Linda. I’m glad you got a little break in the PJs. Take care of you as much as you can. Hugs on the way!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wishing you the best as you transition to this next stage. Life is hard enough when we have all our togetherness much less what you are going through. Good luck also on your next writing adventure.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The can-can! I completely missed that one…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So sad to read the difficulties of being a Mother a carer a teacher and an all round good human being. My thoughts for what they are worth. You have to get the benefits in his name now he is an adult, and you charge as a carer and landlady. I am sure you have tried looking at it all and do not need well meaning but annoying useless advice. But if there was a scant chance that you may have not looked at it that way … I had to try.
    P.s. you could always busk … take your can can fingers on tour. You are doing a great Job.



    That said I agree with Jamie, why does your benifit have to change yours and your beautiful boy’s situation have not. Thinking of you and sending hugs and healing vibes for the cold.💜💜💜💜 P. S. I hope you got the cake from the store before you got your JimJams on😀😀😀


  11. I think your situation is deserving of feeling overwhelmed, at the very least.

    I have no idea how you crazy Canadians work things up there, but here, my nephew is 30 and receives his social security and what not, and my sister draws from that to pay for living expenses. No different than paying for him to live on his own (cheaper rent, for sure). I’m sure you know what you’re doing and what your options are, and my advice is not helpful, but it’s all I have. I wish life had just a little bit easier answers, sometimes. Thinking of you💕


    • Alex’s benefits as an adult won’t be as much as I get for him as a disabled child. They basically give me enough to stay home with him until he’s 18. After that, he’s on his own. I also lose all my respite money, which again, I was using so I could have a few hours extra of work and be able to send him to camp in the summer. There’s no respite for the wicked (or the adults) apparently. 😛
      Thanks, Jami. ❤


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