Life in progress

One-Liner Wednesday – Will Ferguson – you should read his books


“Many Canadian nationalists harbour the bizarre fear that should we ever reject royalty, we would instantly mutate into Americans, as though the Canadian sense of self is so frail and delicate a bud, that the only thing stopping it from being swallowed whole by the US is an English lady in a funny hat.”
― Will Ferguson

EDIT: As I should have at the start, I need to put the above quote into context. It was written (or said) years ago, long before the current US administration was even a glint in anyone’s eye. I can’t find a date for it, but I know this because I “liked” it on my Goodreads page in 2014.

It refers to the collective Canadian desire and ongoing struggle to figure out how we are different as a culture, rather than a strong will not to be Americans. It’s about what defines us as Canadians. And it was written with affection for our southern neighbours, who we love.

I apologize to anyone who took it in anything but the spirit in which it was intended.

Random photo, taken May 7, 2013

If you would like to participate in this prompt, feel free to use the “One-Liner Wednesday” title in your post, and if you do, you can ping back here to help your blog get more exposure. To execute a pingback, just copy the URL in the address bar on this post, and paste it somewhere in the body of your post. Your link will show up in the comments below. Please ensure that the One-Liner Wednesday you’re pinging back to is this week’s! Otherwise, no one will likely see it but me.

NOTE: Pingbacks only work from WordPress sites. If you’re self-hosted or are participating from another host, like Blogger, please leave a link to your post in the comments below.

As with Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS), if you see a pingback from someone else in my comment section, click and have a read. It’s bound to be short and sweet.

Unlike SoCS, this is not a prompt so there’s no need to stick to the same “theme.”

The rules that I’ve made for myself (but don’t always follow) for “One-Liner Wednesday” are:

1. Make it one sentence.

2. Try to make it either funny or inspirational.

3. Use our unique tag #1linerWeds.

4. Add our lovely badge to your post for extra exposure!

5. Have fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

68 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday – Will Ferguson – you should read his books

  1. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday-Let’s Stay Positive! | MY ENDURING BONES

  2. Pingback: finding your way – #1linerWeds – Riddle from the Middle

  3. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday, Late Friday. | willowdot21

  4. Pingback: Musings of a Sanguine Christian Woman

  5. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – (4/3/19) | Tessa Can Do It! Positivity is Catching!

  6. Pingback: Stay Committed to Your Dreams: One-Liner Wednesday – Help from Heaven

  7. Pingback: be the one who wants to see them – #1linerWeds – Riddle from the Middle

  8. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday…Good Fences, Neighbors | Abandoned Amenities

  9. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday – A Starry Night – JP the Wide-eyed Wanderer

  10. As someone who has lived in Quebec my entire life, I think it takes a lot more than an English lady in a funny hat to preserve our sense of self (but so far, so good!).


  11. I really, really appreciated what you said re Canadians and Americans–particularly in view of the current situation here in the US. I was brought up to believe Canada and USA were both great nations, and best of neighbors, friends. I’ve known those who feel they are superior–from both countries…it’s not a lovely trait. Many of us have threatened to head for Canada, our heads on fire…but then I’ve heard Canada wouldn’t be that thrilled to have us, haha! Guess it’s about not painting everyone with the same broad brush. I, for one, am a big fan of Canada–heck, you’ve got Rick Mercer and Red Green, and that really delish toffee I can never remember the name of 🙂 Blessings to you!


  12. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – Tao Talk

  13. Pingback: One- Liner Wednesday~ Exhale | Margret's Life Journey

  14. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday — Told You So – This, That, and The Other

  15. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday: a sad anniversary – Top of JC's Mind

  16. No offense taken. We love having you as our neighbour – even enough to sometimes remember to use your accustomed spelling. 😉

    I think many in the Commonwealth and in the UK itself, now all with robust democratic governments, don’t quite know what to make of still having a monarch, albeit one with very limited powers. With my daughter set to emigrate to the UK later this year, I will admit that I wish the Queen would pull rank and say that she is rescinding Article 50 so that the UK stays in the EU. It would be more functional than what the elected leaders have been doing for months.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: 1LinerWed/A2Z/CampNaNo C 20190403 | Darswords

  18. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesdays | thoughts and entanglements

  19. Pingback: Career Advice From Lamebook #1LinerWeds – The Sound of One Hand Typing

  20. Pingback: #1linerWeds. 4/3/19 – J-Dubs Grin and Bear It

  21. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday: Curtains, windows, and blinds — oh, my! – Manuscript. Head. Drawer.

  22. All one needs to do is travel to see how Americans as a whole are regarded. Sad state of affairs.


    • I think I’ve told this story on my blog before, but here it goes.
      I was walking and taking pictures in Hiroshima when a group of children–maybe 12 years of age–approached me to interview me as a way to practice their English. They started by asking me my nationality and then proceeded to ask me what I thought of nuclear war and the devastating effects of it. I’m really not sure how I’d have reacted if I’d been American. And I still wonder to this day whether their interview would have been the same had I not said I was Canadian. This was in 2005.
      By the way, I edited the original post to include this:
      EDIT: As I should have at the start, I need to put the above quote into context. It was written (or said) years ago, long before the current US administration was even a glint in anyone’s eye. I can’t find a date for it, but I know this because I “liked” it on my Goodreads page in 2014.
      It refers to the collective Canadian desire and ongoing struggle to figure out how we are different as a culture, rather than a strong will not to be Americans. It’s about what defines us as Canadians. And it was written with affection for our southern neighbours, who we love.
      I apologize to anyone who took it in anything but the spirit in which it was intended.


      • Linda, I cannot imagine how I would have responded to these young girls’ questions. And thank you for the clarification although I did not take offense. We all need to realize how we are viewed in the global eye.


        • That’s the thing about that interview. It shows that we are defined by the actions and the attitude of our representatives. Even though there are very few people alive who were responsible for the A-bomb, I felt uncomfortable on behalf of an entire country who, by then, had nothing to do with it but exist in relation to the government that perpetrated that horrible event in history.

          Liked by 1 person

  23. Pingback: Competent People – A Unique Title For Me

  24. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday April 3/19 – Keep it alive

  25. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday - Poetry For Healing

  26. Pingback: One liner Wednesday: Alternative dictionary. – RETURN OF THE INTERNET NOBODY

  27. But while you’re still part of the Commonwealth, I’m sure The Queen would approve of anything that annoys Trump, so Make Americans Angry More, or “Ma’am” would make a good hat slogan.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Make them angry? Noooo. They’ve got the nukes. 😛
      I edited the original post to include this:
      EDIT: As I should have at the start, I need to put the above quote into context. It was written (or said) years ago, long before the current US administration was even a glint in anyone’s eye. I can’t find a date for it, but I know this because I “liked” it on my Goodreads page in 2014.
      It refers to the collective Canadian desire and ongoing struggle to figure out how we are different as a culture, rather than a strong will not to be Americans. It’s about what defines us as Canadians. And it was written with affection for our southern neighbours, who we love.
      I apologize to anyone who took it in anything but the spirit in which it was intended.


  28. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday — Purest Love | joeyfullystated

  29. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday-open up. #1linerWeds – SOUL CONNECTION

  30. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday | Nut House Central

  31. What could be worse than to mutate into Americans? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • There are far worse things, my friend. 🙂
      I edited the original post to include this:
      EDIT: As I should have at the start, I need to put the above quote into context. It was written (or said) years ago, long before the current US administration was even a glint in anyone’s eye. I can’t find a date for it, but I know this because I “liked” it on my Goodreads page in 2014.
      It refers to the collective Canadian desire and ongoing struggle to figure out how we are different as a culture, rather than a strong will not to be Americans. It’s about what defines us as Canadians. And it was written with affection for our southern neighbours, who we love.
      I apologize to anyone who took it in anything but the spirit in which it was intended.

      Liked by 1 person

  32. Pingback: Wait…you collect wine corks too? – Quaint Revival

  33. You could always build a wall. Seriously, just across the New York portion of the boarder. I don’t think the folks in Washington understand the rest of it. Then again, I wish the silliest thing we did was to honor an old woman in a hat.


    • Ah, for simpler times, eh?
      By the way, I edited the original post to include this:
      EDIT: As I should have at the start, I need to put the above quote into context. It was written (or said) years ago, long before the current US administration was even a glint in anyone’s eye. I can’t find a date for it, but I know this because I “liked” it on my Goodreads page in 2014.
      It refers to the collective Canadian desire and ongoing struggle to figure out how we are different as a culture, rather than a strong will not to be Americans. It’s about what defines us as Canadians. And it was written with affection for our southern neighbours, who we love.
      I apologize to anyone who took it in anything but the spirit in which it was intended.

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Pingback: Justice: Using the Weights in Our Bag – Meditations in Motion

  35. Pingback: I’m a Lettuce Leaf | Mary J Melange

  36. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – Memories – Poetry, Short Prose and Walking

  37. Pingback: One liner Wednesday- 3rd April | Sure Scribbles

  38. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday – This, That, and The Other

  39. Pingback: The Uphill Portion – #1LinerWeds – No Facilities

  40. Pingback: One-liner Wednesday – UFO spotted on pup walkies! –

  41. Whatever it takes! Beats a “Make America Great Again” hat!
    So embarrassing!

    Liked by 3 people

    • The monarchy is a sticky subject here in Canada. I have to say, I look forward to the time when this part of your country’s history is, well, history.
      I edited the original post to include this:
      EDIT: As I should have at the start, I need to put the above quote into context. It was written (or said) years ago, long before the current US administration was even a glint in anyone’s eye. I can’t find a date for it, but I know this because I “liked” it on my Goodreads page in 2014.
      It refers to the collective Canadian desire and ongoing struggle to figure out how we are different as a culture, rather than a strong will not to be Americans. It’s about what defines us as Canadians. And it was written with affection for our southern neighbours, who we love.
      I apologize to anyone who took it in anything but the spirit in which it was intended.


  42. Pingback: One Line Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Not Long… | But I Smile Anyway...

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