Life in progress

#JusJoJan the 4th – Generosity


It’s come to my attention that having a debit card has stunted my ability to be generous.

Just this morning I walked out of the grocery store to find a man standing at the door asking politely if I might have a dollar to spare.

I said no, I had no change. And it’s true. I haven’t had change on me in months. If I’m going to park somewhere with a meter and I don’t remember to search for change in old wallets and infrequently used drawers before I leave home, I either have to park somewhere very inconvenient, or risk a $13 ticket. Sometimes for the sake of not having even 25 cents on me.

So yeah, back to the guy this morning.

I choose to be generous enough to believe he has Tourette Syndrome and that he wasn’t actually swearing at me purposely as I walked to my car with my groceries.

Generosity comes in many different forms.


This slightly disturbing post is brought to you by Just Jot it January and Sadje! Check out her post here! Click the following link to see how you, too, can join in! It’s fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

28 thoughts on “#JusJoJan the 4th – Generosity

  1. I used to keep change in my car’s console. No pennies though. It came in handy for just that purpose. I rarely go out now, and truly avoid people.


  2. I rarely carry cash these days either but got caught out when I used a new hair salon – they only take cash, no cards. I had to run to the nearest cash point when I was done and get the cash needed.


  3. Pingback: #One-liner Wednesday and JusJoJan 5th –

  4. I carry some cash, but almost never change. Of course you guys have those dollar coins.

    Most parking around here is app-driven. I have more parking apps on my phone than anything else.


  5. Pingback: Blogging Insights – New Year, New Story – Culture Shocks

  6. I rarely have cash nowadays, too!


  7. I’ve been known to give a granola bar if I happen to have one. Sometimes they are appreciated, sometimes not.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Not using paper money can put us on the spot at times.


  9. Same, I never carry cash. Debit cards have spoiled me. A nice convenience.


  10. You are right Linda there are many kinds of generosity 💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

  11. And in our city, credit card payment is an option for parking! Maybe we’ll have to carry a bag o’ donation change now.


  12. I rarely have money on me these days. I can we it looks otherwise when I leave a store with an armload of purchases.

    Liked by 1 person

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