Life in progress

#SoCS – Playing with my food


As a child I was always told, “Don’t say you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it.” I have to say, I was more open to trying strange foods back then than I am now. But then again who knows if I’d have put a bug in my mouth and munched on it when I was a kid… I certainly won’t do it now.

Back then I did eat quite a few things that I still enjoy, that most people find weird. Pickled herring, blood pudding, and sour pickled onions to name a few. One thing I’ve only recently had the opportunity to eat again because of Japanese sushi, that I haven’t had since I was a child is eel. My parent’s best friends, Dot and Bob, lived next door to us all my life growing up. Bob worked in downtown Toronto for the city and he knew a lot of different shop owners. One such place he used to frequent had fresh eels. And I’m talking really fresh… he brought them home live. I remember playing with them in the kitchen sink at his house. One time in particular, when Dot (who hated them) and I were alone, one jumped out of the sink and was writhing around on the kitchen floor. She screamed for me and I, four years old at the time, had the job of picking it up and putting it back in the sink. It’s no wonder I’m not afraid of snakes. And no, I didn’t get in trouble for playing with my food.

I haven’t seen a live one since, but I do still enjoy the flavour. If you’re looking for it in a sushi place, the Japanese word is unagi.  Now I have a craving for sushi…

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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

23 thoughts on “#SoCS – Playing with my food

  1. I think eels nowadays have a troubled life because the waterways they frequent are blocked with Hydro stations and other such things. At least in Europe My granddad used to like them, but I am not a fan. I am glad you were allowed to play with your food. It’s fun 😉


  2. I’m allergic to many types of seafood. When people say, try this new type of fish you’ve never had, I’m always reluctant because I really like breathing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I want sushi now too. Sigh.

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  4. Pingback: My Article Read (2-27-2016) – My Daily Musing

  5. Oh I love pickled rollmop herring, we stayed in Denmark for a few months when I was a kid and they used to have them all the time.


  6. I love Unagi (not to mention sushi in general). I was also lucky enough to grow up and be introduced to many different things. Too bad my kids are picky, they don’t know what they are missing.


  7. I did try some eel when I was in Japan, I think it was one of those dishes where if I put enough soy sauce on it I could stomach it……we grew up in the time of steak and kidney pies, lambs fry and tripe… dad loved all those dishes as they represented his childhood when offal was a cheap meal for the poor…..


  8. Such delicacies…our family heritage included a blood sausage that came out black, and was very tasty. We were never told until much later. ☺ Unagi made me smile…I had just seen an episode of Friends where Ross used the term to refer to a Karate move. His friends knew it was the word for eel.


  9. I like your taste in food 😀 never had blood pudding, but I would definitely give it a try. And I’ve always wanted to try eel. Some day, perhaps. Enjoyed this, Linda. Enjoy your weekend!


  10. Yikes! chased by your lunch – now that’s fresh. I used to haul into a small town in northern new brunswick where there was a huge eel fishing business – called Eel River Crossing. I’ve seen plenty but have never tried them. Since you are used to your dinner coming after you I thought you’d get a kick out of this video:


  11. Wow, eel. I think I love creatures from the sea too much to eat them, although I have considered trying lobster.
    I don’t like a lot of strong things and that’s common for things that swim.


  12. Gah, I really want sushi today.
    Pickled herring with dry toast…yeah, I could go for that, too!


  13. Eeeewwww. I’ll pass, thank you.


  14. Good morning Linda, I just finished reading your blog. Interesting. I remember my mother used to prepare us once in a while, sausages and blood pudding. I still eat it and I love it and so is Jean. I was very pleased to see Dot’s name. I remember her very well and Jean and I talk about her and your mom quite often. Time flies so fast.


  15. You can keep all of those foods for yourself, though I did used to like pickled herring on crackers.

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