Life in progress

An Echo Encapsulated in an Easter Egg


Hello … hello … ello … llo … o?

It’s me … me … e!

The Easter bunny!

I’m trapped inside this chocolate … mmm … mmMmm …

*nom nom nom*

Never mind.

Did you notice that all the words in my title start with vowels? Pretty cool, eh? They kinda … echo each other that way.

When I put together the title, I realized how well the words that were suggested to me for today’s post fit together. What on earth is better than the idea of being encapsulated in an Easter egg? Having to eat your way out …

Only being enclosed in there with a doughnut could top that!

Aaaand, I think I found my theme for this year’s quite-but-not-quite illegal A to Z Challenge.

I won’t need three words for tomorrow’s prompt since I’ll be using the “fab” prompt from SoCS. Thanks to the three ladies who gave me today’s “E” words. You’ll find their links under the words “echo,” “encapsulated” (should have been encapsulating, but hey! It’s close), and “Easter egg.”

Here’s my homemade “E” badge.



Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

29 thoughts on “An Echo Encapsulated in an Easter Egg

  1. Pingback: An Echo Encapsulated in an Easter Egg | John 19:30 When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.”And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.

  2. That was fun! Now I want chocolate! Oh, who am I kidding? I always want chocolate!


  3. Enclosed in an Easter Egg with a doughnut has become my new fantasy 🙂


  4. As long as there’s peanut butter inside that chocolate, I could be trapped forever – or ice cream (dang, Joey).


  5. That is uncanny, that you were able to create a sentence where all of your words start with a vowel.


  6. Good promt and I knew there was no bunny


  7. Maple creams….eggs…with chocolate covering…I’m delirious 🙂


  8. If the egg is made of ice cream? 😛 Or gelato. I got gelato in the freezer.
    Gonna make omelets in the mornin – mushrooms and chives, mmm, and cheese, mmhm.
    I’m afraid I’m encapsulated in hunger. Stayed up too late!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Well done! 😀


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