Life in progress


#JusJoJan 23 & #SoCS – From


“From.” A word that assumes you’ve been somewhere.

“Oh, I just came from …”

The kitchen. That’s about as far as I go these days.

I just bought a treadmill today, so I have no excuse not to walk even when it’s cold enough to freeze the nuts off a squirrel, or hot enough to melt, … um … the nuts off a squirrel? I wouldn’t know. Squirrels tend to bury their nuts, so I don’t keep track of them.

Hopefully the squirrels do.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yeah. So I might not even be coming in from a walk unless it’s nice outside. I might be coming from the treadmill. I hope it fits in the living room.

My “point and write” word came from the manuscript I’m working on. A really original word, isn’t it? I’ve used it 37 times in the 8032 words in the first four chapters. I’m sure you wanted to know that valuable nugget of information.

What is the book, you ask? Well, let me tell you. (Because I’m sure you want to know.)

It’s The Magician’s Soul, the third and final book in my paranormal romance series, The Great Dagmaru. And it’s coming out in 19 days!!

You can preorder it by clicking on the picture of the cover. (It’s an Amazon affiliate link.)


Isn’t the cover great? It’s a lovely cover by the even lovelier Belinda Borradaile.  Or should I say “from” Belinda…?

Nah, apparently I’ve used that word enough.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This shameless promo post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot It January! Find the prompt here and join in!