Life in progress


#JusJoJan 2 & #SoCS – In the corner


In the corner of my mind …

In a dark corner of my mind …

I wonder all kinds of things.

Like, why does my mind have a corner? It’s not square, is it?

Or maybe it is square.

A box that I keep my memories in, that might start leaking as I get old.


That kind of makes sense, if you think about it.

The corners of my mind are cluttered. Stuff I stick there to “do later” that never get done.

Never get done because they get hidden by dust bunnies.

Dust bunnies in my brain … that explains a lot.

Maybe a lobotomy is just a good spring cleaning.

Like a house fire that takes all the photographs with it.

Wow, this is getting depressing.

I think I’ll keep my dust bunnies, thanks.

Problem is, they multiply like bunnies …

Hey! Bunnies! Stop doing that in my brain!

No wonder I write romance.


2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This dusty post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot It January! Find the prompt here and join in!