Life in progress

Who Needs Glue When You Can Sniff Fruit Flies?


I’m completely and utterly discouraged tonight.

I had a weekend off but had very little sleep, but that’s not why I’m discouraged.

I got barely any work done on my novels, but that’s not why either.

I have a sink full of dishes that I haven’t the energy to do, but that’s not entirely what’s got me down.

I killed a fruit fly this afternoon by breathing it forcefully (by accident) up my nose and blowing it back out into a kleenex – that was actually the highlight of my day.

I want to go to bed but I have to wait for kids to go to sleep, but that’s not what’s really killing me.

I have so much to do that I don’t know where to start, but that’s not the worst of it.

What really has me discouraged? It’s all of the above combined. Except the fruit fly thing. That’s just funny.

How was your weekend? Please tell me it was better than mine.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

38 thoughts on “Who Needs Glue When You Can Sniff Fruit Flies?

  1. I’ve actually had that happen, with a gnat.

    We were at Walmart late one night this week and saw a HUGE cockroach by the register. The woman ahead of us said it wasn’t as bad as the rats she has at home. So things can always get worse, eh?

    Hope they get better for you.


  2. Just getting to this on Tuesday afternoon, but I hope the weekdays are going better for you than the weekend. For both of our sakes, I will refrain from regaling you with any stories from my weekend. It would be unhelpful.


  3. No fruit flies in the nasal cavities but about a trillion ants in the kitchen! No, not much better a weekend for me I’m afraid!


  4. Linda I completely understand when you have too much to do the only thing to do is to start with one task and then work your way through to the end and then start the next! you will win out!


  5. How are you with stink bugs? It’s that season here, and it makes me hate everything Chinese.


  6. Ooh well, I dunno if this will make you feel better or worse, but my weekend consisted of a visit to family members to my hubbies uncle who had bone cancer up to the family, he passed away quietly while we were there. At least my dishes are done 😉


  7. This weekend wasn’t too bad. I seem to have regained some of my lost energy. Last weekend was a different story. We were looking after three grandchildren for three days. Two of them were sick and I wasn’t feeling too good myself. Even Monday and Tuesday I dragged myself to work but couldn’t get myself to gym. So statistically your next weekend will be better. Have a good day as the lead up to it.


  8. You just killed a fruit fly. With your nose.

    Don’t mess with Canadians.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m glad you got rid of the fruit fly. Imagine if it had laid eggs in you. If you get a sudden craving for fruit, you’ll know why.


  10. Maybe it’s the fruit flies up our noses that keep us going. I spent the weekend trying to install Linux Debian on my computer, like I’ve been trying to do for the past month. No luck. I give up. I think it’s time to snort a fruit fly.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. All I had was Sunday off…..and I did sweet…f…all. ❤


  12. Can I bring my fruit flies down to your place? You seem to have discovered a unique fruit fly amelioration plan.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. My weekend was lovely, relaxing, peaceful. Lotsa cooking this weekend.The boy one came Friday, Saturday was plain lazy, church and more lazy today. Nice night for a long walk to the DQ.
    Feel better — when in doubt, always blame lack of sleep/ astrology/ the baby/ a man/ the government 😉


  14. At least you managed to maintain your sense of humor. That’s a really catchy title.


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