Life in progress

#SoCS – Due/Dewy/Doodoo


Due-dates. I’ve always been bad with them. When I was in school, I always waited until the last minute to complete a project, and even now, when I have something to write I often do it at the very last minute. So it makes sense that I’d set myself up for a career in which I have nothing but due dates, right? Ha!

Strangely enough, where my editing business is concerned I seem to have overcome that awful habit. But only as long as I stay off the Internet, which is, of course, my downfall. Nope, I must get up every dewy morning (and mornings that aren’t so dewy) and start work before I even connect. And I love it. I really do.

The date that’s been on my mind most these days is tomorrow, and it has nothing to do with my editing business. Tomorrow, I’m having my very first book signing! I’ll be signing copies of my novel The Magician’s Curse and giving away bookmarks. And where else than in the biggest book store in Kingston: Chapters! Kingston, where my story takes place! If my audience there can love what I’ve done with the setting, I’ll know I’ve done well.

I so want to edit that last sentence. How ironic is it that I came up with a prompt rule that prohibits me from doing what I do for a living? Ugh, there I go again. I’m in serious doodoo here.

I’d like to end this post by saying a huge thank you to Dan Antion for taking over for me this weekend. My stress levels over the upcoming event are already through the roof–I don’t think I could have coped without him. But he couldn’t, of course, let me get away without giving me at least one challenge: points. I need his points!

And if you’re in the Kingston area, (and a lot of book lovers are this weekend, since the Kingston WritersFest is on) you need to come and see me at Chapters on October 1st, 2017 between 1pm and 3pm. Do it! Whatever you do!

This post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday and the wonderful Dan Antion! Go visit him! And then come back and check out the prompt rules and join in! Click here:

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

41 thoughts on “#SoCS – Due/Dewy/Doodoo

  1. Hey Linda I hope all went well this weekend 🌹💜


  2. I hope that all went well with the book signing Linda although I am sure it did. I am looking forward to hearing about it. 💖


  3. Congratulations!!!! How exciting a book signing!! Wow!!!!


  4. I hope it’s a wonderful experience for you and your readers 🙂 I know I’d like my copy signed 🙂
    Best of luck, enjoy yourself!


  5. How exciting! So happy for you!!


  6. Congrats on your first book signing…break a leg!


  7. Best of luck with the signing. Dan’s doing a good job filling in.


  8. Good luck with the signing.


  9. I know you’re having a great time! 🙂 Happy for you. 🙂


  10. Best wishes at the signing. I have always wanted to sign a book with, “Thank you for not stealing this book.”

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh, I so wish I were in Kingston Linda. I would love to meet you, after so long taking part in your fabulous SoCS, to meet you at Chapters and talk about your book. Congratulations on all of it. I will make it to the festival one year.


  12. I hope the signing goes well, Linda. You got all the bonus points, I’ll even kick in the ones you normally provide, since it wouldn’t be fare to make you pay yourself.

    It does strike me as ironic that the woman who invented a “no editing” weekly challenge would end up in the editing business. Maybe I’ll get luck and need your services some day.


  13. Have a fabulous time at the book signing – you are my hero!


  14. Good luck with the signing xxx


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