Life in progress

#SoCS – Montage


Welcome to my literary montage, which, in other words means Hi, it’s another random post. A post of stuff I like. Random stuff. Like the flowers outside that have been buried under inches of freezing rain but that looked like this two days ago.

Early spring flowers, silky and purple with fuzzy yellow stamens.

I like taking pictures. I wish I had a real camera. You know–a REAL camera.

I like traveling to different places and I like walking, especially when my body is in shape.

And I like the Glorious Sons.

They’re an amazing band out of Kingston, Ontario.

You might have noticed I like writing, too. Especially when I can sneak in the letter M without anyone noticing that I’m not really doing the A to Z Challenge when I really am. (Shhhh!! I don’t think they’ve caught on yet.)

What do you like to do?

This post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday and NOT AT ALL by #atozchallenge. Here’s the link to SoCS:

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

18 thoughts on “#SoCS – Montage

  1. I like to sing! singing makes me happy! I like to walk my dog! That also brings me joy! and I like to read!


  2. I like to read your random posts 🙂


  3. i love this, linda –


  4. Pretty sneaky, Linda. I didn’t notice the “M” prompt. Then again, me and obvious have never been close.


  5. I like reading and writing…obviously!
    I like singing and dancing
    I like baking!


  6. Hi Linda I love the Glorious Sons, never hear of them before but this son sold me!! I also did an A to Z Challenge one year without officially joining in. It a sensible way to do them it takes the pressure off. I didn’t get arrested so I think you’re okay! Great post Linda. A great montage not at all monotonous 💜💜


  7. If that picture is taken with a non-real camera, I bet you will be excellent with a REAL one!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Seem nice. I may subscribe


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