Life in progress

Random, oh Random


Drinking a glass of wine tonight. Something I don’t do often anymore.

Thinking about shutting off the laptop. Something I never do before it’s time to go to bed.

But it’s been so long since I last listened to music and read a book.

With a glass of wine.

They forgot to put tartar sauce on my Filet-O-Fish yesterday. It’s still pissing me off.

Enya. I think I’ll listen to Enya.

No more editing today: I’ve been doing it non-stop all weekend. Between Candy Crush.

I hate Candy Crush.

If you say, “Well then, just stop playing it!” you’re showing you just don’t understand Candy Crush.

Stephen King is good. I think I’ll read Stephen King.

I haven’t changed out of my pyjamas today. I’m drinking wine in my pyjamas. Pyjamas that I put on last night.

Joyland. I started it a few nights ago. Enya and Joyland and wine.

Sounds like an excellent combination.

With no laptop.


May never forget the Filet-O-Fish. Dry fish. Oh, the irony.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

32 thoughts on “Random, oh Random

  1. I rose early yesterday and read Carrie Rubin’s The Bone Curse. Couldn’t put it down. You’d like it, too, I’m sure. I need more reading time. It’s the hardest part of working life for me, losing reading time. Maybe I should stop sleeping?


  2. How could they forget the tartar sauce? The only purpose of the fish patty is to hold the tartar sauce.


  3. You slob! I am soooo jealous!😉💜💜


  4. a nice way to wind down from the say. and no excuse for the tartar sauce!


  5. I had to uninstall Candy Crush after a while!


  6. did you at least put something on the fish…did you really eat it dry, with just cheese?…fries? a shake? beer? wine? please something!!! now i”m pissed off.


  7. Great post! I’m totally on board with the pajamas-all-day thing. And if you like Enya, you will (probably) love Loreena McKinnett.


  8. An ex-girlfriend of mine was hooked on Candy Crush, I watched her play sometimes, but this game looks so stupid. I know a lot of people like it, but I can’t see why.


  9. I don’t understand the candy crush thing – but pj’s all day really floats my boat, especially with wine in hand! Live long and wear comfort.


  10. Enya’s gets my vote. My granddaughter falls asleep to Enya every night.


  11. Sometimes you just need to switch off and unwind. ❤


  12. Filet-o-Fish needs tartar sauce! How can they forget that??

    I, too, have a Candy Crush problem. I understand.


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