Life in progress

Nano Poblano – Day 16: 10 Random Whiches


1. Which witch is which?

2. Which is better: slapstick or dry?

3. Which beverage makes the most sense?

4. Which one?

5. Which would you rather be: a sandwich or a set of false teeth?

6. Which Disney character are you most like?

7. Which colour is the best colour in the world to paint a kitchen?

8. Which sound is the most annoying ever?

9. Which is better: digital or analogue?

10. Which musician would you bring back from the dead, if you could?

As always, a point for every good answer, and a bonus point for your “which” question to me. Funniest answer (decided by me) may be posted as my One-Liner Wednesday. Go!



Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

57 thoughts on “Nano Poblano – Day 16: 10 Random Whiches

  1. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – Analogue or Digital? | lindaghill

  2. Here is your question:
    Which would be easier? Understanding the opposite sex, or……….nailing jello to the wall? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was fun, thanks. I guess I’ll try to put it all in one place next time 😉

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  4. #10 Keith Green, so he could finish what he started. More heartfelt music.


  5. #8 The sound of no response

    #9 Both. Don’t make me decide!


  6. #7 Red would be best, because it makes me happy and I need especially to be happy in my kitchen…..”if Mamma ain’t happy, ain’t NOBODY happy”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. “Which” is why I’m wondering how come your wisdom/wit well never run dry. Wait! Which well is well?


  8. 1. Mmmmm…sandwiches. I love sandwiches.
    2. Neither. But that guy with the jalapeño on a stick is pretty funny.
    3. Coffee. If I need to explain that, it means that you haven’t had enough of it yet today. Seriously. Go get a cup. Now. Trust me, you’ll feel better afterwards.
    4. All of them. I’ll sell the extras on craigslist later.
    5. Is this like “rock, paper, scissors?” So..false teeth bite sandwich…sandwich covers apple…apple gets stuck in false teeth… I can’t really tell you which one I choose, because then you’ll win the game.
    6. I’d like to think I’m like Belle, but the truth is I’m just not that classy. And I’m not a princess.
    7. Lemon curd yellow, perhaps? Lemons are so refreshing.
    8. That high-pitched screeching noise that kids can make.
    9. Both, when it comes to books. I love real books, but with Kindle I don’t worry about finishing one and having nothing to read afterwards. But for most other stuff, analog is way better. Like for chocolate. Analog chocolate beats digital chocolate any day. But can I have my analog chocolate with digital calories?
    10. Jean-Pierre Rampal. Do I get to have a flute lesson with him if I go to all the trouble of bringing him back? Or a private concert?

    Bonus: Which city would you be in if you could be magically transported anywhere in the world right now?

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. That’s actually your answer to #5, isn’t it. I can read between the lines you know.
      2. Hot it is!
      3. COFFEE!!
      4. Good plan!
      5. Apple! I win! 😀
      6. Neither was she until she married the prince. Are you married to a prince?
      7. I was waiting for someone to say yellow! Thank you!
      8. Ooh, yes. I have one of those. In fact I might have been listening to it when the question came up.
      9. We have a winner! Hahaha!
      10. He’s all yours, my dear. But I will look him up to see who he is in the meantime! 😀
      Bonus: Right at this very moment? If it didn’t have to be a city I’d say a beach in Antigua. But a city? Tokyo. Being magically transported is a much-preferred mode of transportation over a plane. Sorry. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  9. 1. Even though we share the same last name, ‘this’ witch is definitely not ‘that’ witch from the Harry Potter land.
    2. dry
    3. long island ice tea or coffee (based on the time of the day)
    4. Not ‘that’ one for sure
    5. sandwich
    6. Mickey Mouse (result of the test here) and that came up in two different tests. No wonder my brother told me that there were two mickey mouses in that photograph I had taken with the mickey mouse in Disneyland, “especially that nose” he said
    7. Green
    8. whining
    9. digital
    10. Kishore Kumar (Indian), his songs were so energetic and fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. Your last name is Dumbledore?!? 😉
      2. Dry is good!
      3. Ah, I do love a good long island ice tea in the morning… 😉
      4. Nooooo! Not THAT one!
      5. Tough call, eh?
      6. You have a nose like Mickey? Cool!!!
      7. That’s it? Just green? But there are so many shades!
      8. Oooh yeah. Grating.
      9. … said the computer nerd. 😉
      10. I’ll have to look him up! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  10. 1. Glenda the good witch is the pretty one, and the wicked witch is the interesting one
    2. Dry . . . I love smart
    3. wine . . . always . . . it does a body good
    4. The one who is smiling
    5. Sandwich, only because I think false teeth are gross and probably stinky
    6. Jiminy Cricket – can never mind my own business
    7. Blue is the best color for anything . . . always
    8. yelling
    9. analog . . . I love moving hands
    10. Ella Fitzgerald . . . always loved the sound of her voice and singing along.

    If you had to pick one of your 5 senses to live without, which would it be????

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. Ah yes, the interesting ones are always the wicked ones.
      2. I agree!
      3. It does!
      4. Because who wants a frowning one?
      5. …but so are stinky-cheese sandwiches.
      6. But are you anyone’s conscience?
      7. Even kitchens? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blue kitchen.
      8. Gets on my nerves too!
      9. Watching them move can be very time-consuming. 😉
      10. Good one!

      Bonus: Probably hearing, because I already know sign language… but then I’d miss music… Smell. Yeah, I could do without that. Then I could be either a stinky-cheese sandwich OR smelly false teeth! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

      • Your responses beg for more responses – just a few . . .
        I love stinky cheese and stinky cheese sandwiches!!! I shouldn’t be anyone’s conscience but my own – that’s my problem :-). The right blue could work – I’m sure of it. Thanks for the fun!

        Liked by 1 person

        • I love stinky cheese too! We may be the only two people in the world who do! Agreed, we all need our own conscience – look how much help Jiminy was to Pinocchio… not much! Let me know when you find that perfect shade of blue.
          And thank YOU. 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  11. #6 I might be Tinkerbell, feisty in love and singularly emotional…..

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  12. #4 The other one, of course…… 😉


  13. #3 Water, because our bodies need it the most. You can add anything to it to make it interesting….

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  14. #1 The witch which is witchy is the witchiest witch…(corrected, I don’t know how to edit in here)


  15. The witch which is witchy is the wichiest witch……..


  16. #2, I like humour every which way 😉


  17. 1. The Silver Witch, Apprentice to the Golden Witch Herself who once laid siege to the Planet of Angels and slew their Prince, but she’s totally reformed by now, I swear and a lovely Master to learn from! And technically the Silver Witch is just a title as the Silver Witch is not actually a witch even though her Master is a witch as well as a Witch.

    …I’m really tired and going to quit while I’m ahead.

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  18. 1. The one with the pointy hat.
    2. Slapstick. The Three Stooges are just as funny as ever.
    3. Liquid gold. (Gold, you guttermites, not urine!)
    4. I want the fluffy one.
    5. Eww. False teeth are gross to touch. Awesome if you need them, but gross to touch.
    6. Aurora. I have a vibrant fantasy life that someday my prince will come.
    7. I could never come up with an answer better than ‘Cheese”.
    8. Cats in heat.
    9. I prefer paper books.
    10. Nobody! Like the world needs zombie musicians…

    Which is more opaque: fun or starlight?


    • 1. She sticks out like a sore broomstick!
      2. Timeless!
      3. I was thinking apple juice but now that you mention it… eww!
      4. Good choice!
      5. So…the sandwich then?
      6. Ah, don’t we all?
      7. I don’t think there is a better answer. Who doesn’t want cheesy wallpaper after all?
      8. Very noisy!
      9. Me too, but it’s so much more cumbersome to carry around a library full of actual books!
      10. Chorus of “BRAINS!” anyone?
      Bonus: Starlight, because you can dance in it. Failing that, cheese.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. I may do this. It is my day of rest again 😦


  20. 1. The witch with the sandwich in Ipswitch.
    2. Dry. One olive. Shaken, not stirred.
    3. Tequila…you’ll understand in the morning.
    4. Everyone
    5. False teeth, they’ll be around long after I’m gone.
    6. Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Madame Mim
    7. Red. Hides blood and spaghetti sauce.
    8. Mouthbreathers
    9. digital. Just give me numbers, don’t make me point hands.
    10. Frank Zappa – He’d make a killer Zomby Woof

    Thanks for allowing me to procrastinate with you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. She’s a popular one alright!
      2. 007? Is that you?
      3. Oh I understand all too well in the morning.
      4. Why be picky? 🙂
      5. Ha! I’m sure they will.
      6. I think you’re stuttering!
      7. HaHa! Great idea!
      8. Ugh. Right up there.
      9. Now that’s funny. 🙂
      10. Zappa forever!
      You’re very welcome! Thanks for answering my questions! 😀

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  21. #5, I’d rather be the eater than the eaten! 😉

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  22. 1. Which witch is which? The wicked witch of the west (or is that the east?). Anyway, the one that melted when doused with water. “I’m melting, I’m melting, dammit.”
    2. Which is better: slapstick or dry? I prefer chapstick over dry lips. Oh wait, you said slapstick. My bad.
    3. Which beverage makes the most sense? COFFEE
    4. Which one? Whichever one makes the most sense.
    5. Which would you rather be: a sandwich or a set of false teeth? Wouldn’t it be better to be false teeth? That way you could take a bite out of any sandwich. Yeah, false teeth.
    6. Which Disney character are you most like? Goofy
    7. Which colour is the best colour in the world to paint a kitchen? Cheese
    8. Which sound is the most annoying ever? The ringing sound in my ears that never goes away.
    9. Which is better: digital or analogue? Depends. If you’re talking about clocks and watches, it’s analog. If you’re talking about TVs, computers, and electronics, it’s digital. If you’re talking about music, it’s vinyl.
    10. Which musician would you bring back from the dead, if you could? John Lennon.

    Bonus questions. Which of my answers are you going to select as the funniest?

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    • 1. I don’t remember the “dammit” at the end of that line. I’ll have to watch it again.
      2. Chapstick – the paint-on sweater for lips. Ugh!
      3. YES!!!
      4. COFFEE!!
      5. Great if you don’t mind having tuna stuck in you all day.
      6. No surprise there! 😉
      7. Ha! Wait, isn’t Cheez Whiz gray before the colouring is added? Ugh.
      8. That would be annoying.
      9. Vinyl is the BEST!
      10. Imagine!
      Bonus: The funniest of your answers has to be #1. But #7 is the cheesiest. Go figure! I’ll get back to you to let you know if you win the prize!

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  23. 1 Which witch…. the one above the one below!
    2 Dry less mess
    3 wine … because it is!
    4 That one
    5 a sandwich , why prolong the agony!
    6 Daffy bloody duck!
    7 eggshell blue
    8 digital I am looking to a better future!
    10 Amadeus

    Which way is up?

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. I knew it!
      2. Sometimes.
      3. It certainly is!
      4. This one?
      5. Good point.
      6. Isn’t Daffy Duck from Bugs Bunny? I always get those darned ducks mixed up.
      7. Ooh, I like that colour. 😀
      8. Digital certainly seems to be the way forward!
      10. Falco! I love it! 😀
      Bonus: I’ve been asking myself that question for years! I’m stumped!

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  24. such great points – enjoyable!

    Liked by 1 person

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