Life in progress

Good Riddance


Yes, I’m posting my illegal A to Z Challenge “G” post a day late, and on Sunday, which is supposed to be a day off. If this were baseball, it would either be a triple play or a strike out. Since it’s all contraband posting, my guess is a strike out. But I’m doing it anyway, so that’s four strikes. I’m definitely going to blogger hell.

Anyway, I’d better make this good.

My first online deed this morning was to post something like this on Facebook (“something” meaning I wish I’d made it pretty):

Text reads: Fun game: 1. Make a list of all the things you don’t have time to do in a day. 2. Open the stopwatch on your phone and start it every time you go on Facebook. START NOW

My following Facebook post was something to the effect of “I’m leaving Facebook for a week. Just so you know I’m not ignoring you. Cheers!”

In other words, I’m skipping the “Fun game” and going straight for the stuff I don’t have time for. Feel free to share.

And good riddance, Facebook!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

25 thoughts on “Good Riddance

  1. Pingback: Illegal Alphabet | Darswords

  2. I think I like this new illegal Linda. In fact, I think I’ll join you. I have a little blog building in my head combining A-H that if I can come in from the beautiful weather outside. will post tonight. Do you suppose we could be bunk-mates in the blogging cell?


  3. If I could justify leaving Facebook altogether, I would. As it is, I’m only out there a couple of times a week.


  4. 2 weeks ago I deactivated and unfriended everyone on facebook. I was very curious who, without the facebook connection were actually my friends who would call or text, etc. hmmmm. Eye opener! I reactivated it because it is where I store all of my photos and I also have some health groups that I am a part of. Otherwise, no scrolling through that drama has really lightened my load!!! I’d much rather read blogs!


  5. I used our day-off Sunday to do some A to Z catch up to! Even though all my blogs are legal LOL
    I’m enjoying your sense of humor with your illegal blog!


  6. You made it a good one! And dare I say you made it a triple play. Blogger hell is a special place of this I am sure. Cozy chairs and hot cups of tea. No writer’s block. Oh ya and good riddance FB!!!!!!!


  7. I would often say Good Riddance to bad rubbish when someone said something that irritated me and I did not want to deal with them anymore.


  8. Linda you’re a riot. I’ve noticed myself on Facebook less and less although I’ve not sworn it off completely. I do use it to share my blog posts and celebrate/acknowledge birthdays but since the political upheaval of last year it was not fun to be around. I’m glad you are following your muse and joining the A to Z.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah, if I don’t swear off it completely, I get sucked in and then hours have passed. I admit though, I am still playing Scrabble on there. As long as I don’t leave the Scrabble page, I’m good. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. ahaha you are a riot! but yeah, facebook, its dangerous 😛


  10. That’s a great idea, Linda. By the way, I think once you’ve broken one rule, the rest are up for grabs. I mean, if you rob a bank, you don’t get extra time for stealing a pen on the way out – well, at least in the U.S. – then again, we’re not as law-abiding as you folks in Canada.

    Keep up the good work!


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