Life in progress

One-Liner Wednesday – Smart Dog, Scaredy Cat


As a tribute to Dan Antion, our outgoing-badge designer and guy who can’t write a one-liner to save his life, my own One-Liner Wednesday is going to go a bit long.

I was sitting on the couch tonight, minding my own business, when Winston started to whine. I looked up and saw him sitting in the middle of the floor looking down at nothing.

“What is it?” I asked him.

He gave me a pained look as if to say, If I could talk, I wouldn’t be sitting here crying.

So I went over to see what he was whining at. There was still nothing.

I asked him again, “What is it?”

And that’s when he pointed to something with his nose. I bent down to get a closer look, and low and behold there was an ant. It was a fair-sized one, and it was still very much alive.

I praised Winston for letting me know we had a bug in the house, and I went to get a tissue to scoop it up and get rid of it.

Why he didn’t just step on it or eat it I have no idea. But he did tell me about it.

Good dog, Winston!

Winston, my pointer-outer/smart dog/scaredy cat.

Cheers to Dan for his lovely badge! We’ll miss it! Thank you, Mr. Antion!

#1linerWeds badge by Dan Antion


If you would like to participate in this prompt, feel free to use the “One-Liner Wednesday” title in your post, and if you do, you can ping back here to help your blog get more exposure. To execute a pingback, just copy the URL in the address bar on this post, and paste it somewhere in the body of your post. Your link will show up in the comments below. Please ensure that the One-Liner Wednesday you’re pinging back to is this week’s! Otherwise, no one will likely see it but me.

NOTE: Pingbacks only work from WordPress sites. If you’re self-hosted or are participating from another host, like Blogger, please leave a link to your post in the comments below.

As with Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS), if you see a pingback from someone else in my comment section, click and have a read. It’s bound to be short and sweet.

Unlike SoCS, this is not a prompt so there’s no need to stick to the same “theme.”

The rules that I’ve made for myself (but don’t always follow) for “One-Liner Wednesday” are:

1. Make it one sentence.

2. Try to make it either funny or inspirational.

3. Use our unique tag #1linerWeds.

4. Add our very cool badge to your post for extra exposure!

5. Have fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

39 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday – Smart Dog, Scaredy Cat

  1. Pingback: Save Marriage! #OneLinerWednesday – Keep Smiling !!

  2. I just came across your blog and so far I love it!


  3. Pingback: Save Marriage! #OneLinerWednesday – Thoughts Uncovered

  4. What a good dog! Maybe he thought it could be a pet since you probably don’t have many bugs up there. Anyway, he knew you’d take care of it.


  5. I love Winston! Our Phoebe goes for the snack but always looks like she’s fighting the bug for dominance. Bwahahaha!


  6. What a guy! Who knows? It could have been….😱…..a spider!


  7. Nicely done, Winston 🙂
    My dog would totally eat it. And the ant would be glad, cause my cats would play it to death!


  8. Pingback: One day late one liner Wednesday: Alternative dictionary. – RETURN OF THE INTERNET NOBODY

  9. Pingback: One Liner wednesday-Secrets #1linerWeds – SOUL CONNECTION

  10. Good dog, Winston! We have a lot of red ants on our property. One got itself caught up in Kali’s paw and she was screaming. It took three of us to get to her paw and remove that evil ant that was biting and stinging her. Maybe Winston knows that pain?


  11. Pingback: #1linerWeds. 5/16/18 – J-Dubs Grin and Bear It

  12. Winston is a hero doggie. Such a good pup.


  13. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday~ Rainbow | Margret's Life Journey

  14. Oh bless him!
    Barney came and fetched us out into the garden to show us a fledgling blue tit that was exhausted and was a sitting duck for predators. It was no bigger than his nose, but he didn’t touch it. We put it back in the nest and Mum and Dad came and gave him a tweeting off until he tried again, with success, to the trees.
    Dogs are amazing.


  15. Pingback: Blogging made easy (One-Liner Wednesday) | Forty, c'est Fantastique !

  16. Pingback: Yesterday’s Rainbow – One Liner Wednesday | teleportingweena

  17. Pingback: A Pun For #1LinerWeds – The Sound of One Hand Typing

  18. He didn’t kill and eat it, because he was telling you to SAVE it. It’s supposed to live outside, not in the house, and he wanted you to PUT IT BACK. Now he’ll probably never whine for help again ’cause who knows what Mom might do.

    (Come to think of it, maybe that’s why Puppy Cody spends so much time lying quietly on the couch.)


  19. Pingback: What Goes Around Comes Around – A Unique Title For Me

  20. Ants are scary things! How did you have the courage to scoop it up with a tissue? 🙂 Good dog, Winston!


  21. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – Dinner Time | This Thing Called Life One Word at a Time

  22. You need a cat. Or our #4 Daughter. Bug-eaters, both. Well, Sara doesn’t eat bugs anymore, but we were hard-pressed to keep her from it when she was wee. ANYWAY, I’m doing Story A Day May, but used not one but THREE one-liners today.


  23. It is amazing how dogs and humans communicate.


  24. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday — Morning Sun – Poetry, Short Prose and Walking

  25. Pingback: Looking at life through a new lens – Quaint Revival

  26. Pingback: One-liner Wednesday – Do. Be. Do. Be…. –

  27. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday — Chicken Plucker – This, That, and The Other

  28. Ha! I have a cat who could teach Winston to swat and eat anything that crawls.


  29. Pingback: Kindred with the Beaver | Mary J Melange

  30. Awwww, good boy Winston! Hey, you know, all that stuff about ants being able to lift many times their own weight…I think I’d call for help. Thanks for the mention, and for the continued tolerance on my inability to hit the target on the whole “one line” thing. You’re the best, Linda!

    Liked by 3 people

  31. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday: Internal Monologue (Extract) | the only deadhead in the hameau

  32. Pingback: Achievement – #1LinerWed – No Facilities

  33. Got to love that Winston 💜💜💜


  34. My dog would have sniffed it for a few second and then would lose interest. My cat would have batted it around with his paw, watching it, waiting for it to move, pouncing on it when it did, and ultimately would have eaten it.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Pingback: One – Liner Wednesday. | willowdot21

  36. AW bless Winston, he’s a sensitive one!


  37. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – What if? | But I Smile Anyway...

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