Life in progress

How Do You Do Tired?


Now that I’ve finally caught up on my comments I’m allowing myself to post. Except… I can’t think of anything to write. Add the fact that I’m so tired that if tired was an animal, my tired would be an elephant. And it would be sitting on my lap. Do you have any idea what it’s like trying to type with an elephant on your lap? Ugh. He just farted.

This is how my family can tell when I’m exhausted. I either go hairy and bounce off the walls until someone placates me with either a cup of coffee or a glass of wine (depending on what time of the day it is… though if I’m honest I’ll take the wine any time) or I get creatively silly.

How ’bout you? Do you scream everyone around you into complete jelly-bowls of submission when you’re tired? Do you giggle until your insides hurt and your bloodshot eyes are ready to walk up the stairs to bed without you? How do your loved-ones know you’re tired?

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

54 thoughts on “How Do You Do Tired?

  1. They can generally tell that I’m tired by the snoring 😉


  2. Oh how I hear you! 🙂


  3. I get even weirder than I usually am.


  4. I certainly get irritable when I’m tired, but I also get apathetic. The attitude becomes, “Eh.” So I try to make sure I get my zzzzz. I’m sure my kids appreciate that. 😉


  5. My husband knows exactly when I’m tired because he is usually my first target, poor guy. I mean, I can’t possibly take it out on my one-year-old. Coffee and wine (not necessarily in that order) placate me temporarily. But I am not a person who can function well when sleep deprived. Everyone suffers….


  6. I get emotionally dramatic. I cry in a nearly inconsolable way, like a small child.
    Which is a good reason to rest 😉


  7. Yes, when I get tired I just hop into my pyjamas and into the couch. Surely the best way to regain the strenght. If someone speaks to me before they know I either yell or cry or doesn´t answer..


  8. I fell asleep talking to a woman onc ……. zzzzz 😉


  9. I’m tired all the time. I wonder if my family even knows what I’m like not tired? I’ll take the wine anytime too :-D.


  10. I’m either really, really cranky or so incredibly floaty that they just help me drift my way to bed.

    I hope that you get feeling better and get enough rest, though!


  11. I get crankier than usual. 🙂


  12. There is no difference bewteen tired and not tired these days. I am deep in the sticky mud of two toddlers and too many things to do. So I do tired with a glass of wine and Home and Garden television for an hour before bed every night, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Tired? I sit and watch a mindless TV show and then remember how much time is wasted being tired. Grab a book and crash.


  14. When I’m tired, I find it difficult to talk, probably because my brain slows down so much. My husband can tell just by looking at me when I hit the fatigue wall, so there must be some visual component, too, or, given that we have known each other for forty years, he can just sense it.


  15. Bouncing off the walls? I don’t think I would even have energy to do that lol! I just stay quite and like I am now reading blogs coz my brain is already fried from work. I can’t think of anything to write right know. My partner just give me my space when I’m tired coz I get grumpy easily hehe 🙂


  16. My friends know when I’m tired- I giggle at everything they say. They used to think they were being extremely funny…now they know better!


  17. When I’m tired, I mope until bedtime, maybe even catnap a little if I can get away with it…


  18. I. Shut. Down. Like now. Done. Good night ❤


  19. I typically get very quiet, unless it’s 3am in which case I go a little bananas, talking nonsense until my eyes can’t stay open any longer.


  20. I get punchy and giggly. Then I lose my filter when answering the wife’s “Do I look good in this?” questions. Not always a good situation.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. When I get to the “not blinking anymore” stage of tired, my brain has totally shut down. I don’t get testy or yell, cuz I just don’t have any energy left by then! My tired has usually been a symptom of Over Achiever Beaver… But now that I have re-tired!!! so far (all four days of it and counting) I have quite a lot of energy. lol


  22. ROFL …the elephant on the lap, what a creative description lol. Ok (calming myself down, its that time of night), I (obviously), get very silly. Matter of fact, I think I see an elephant now and he’s got…wait…is that…ok, I have to go.


  23. I go quiet and calm and go and try to be on my own, even if it means lying on the bed and doing nothing.


  24. I’m pretty boring I think, I get tired, go to bed, try and sleep, I tend to get more testy if I feel I have not had enough sleep, which of course is the reverse of what you are asking.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I can fall asleep just about anywhere, Linda G, but put my body into my recliner and let the sun set below the horizon, and if I’m tired, my eyes will droop, close … and I’m out. And my dear wife Karen knows I’m in la la land.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Actually, I think I created Not CM when I was tired. Or drunk. Take your pick.


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