Life in progress

Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Author Update – Linda G. Hill, Helen Jones, J.A. Owenby and Robbie and Michael Cheadle.

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My books are featured on Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore today! Please check have a look – there are some great books there alongside mine. 😀 And don’t forget, until the end of October, all the proceeds from my books are going to hurricane relief, so if you haven’t picked them up yet, do so now and help me help those in need. ❤

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

One thought on “Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Author Update – Linda G. Hill, Helen Jones, J.A. Owenby and Robbie and Michael Cheadle.

  1. It’s wonderful that your book is featured on Sally’s Cafe and Bookstores, Linda!


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