Life in progress

One-Liner Wednesday – Ink


It occurred to me the other day that the biggest leap of faith for an editor has to be getting a tattoo.

I hart MOM

If you would like to participate in this prompt, feel free to use the “One-Liner Wednesday” title in your post, and if you do, you can ping back here to help your blog get more exposure. To execute a pingback, just copy the URL in the address bar on this post, and paste it somewhere in the body of your post. Your link will show up in the comments below. Please ensure that the One-Liner Wednesday you’re pinging back to is this week’s! Otherwise, no one will likely see it but me.

NOTE: Pingbacks only work from WordPress sites. If you’re self-hosted or are participating from another host, like Blogger, please leave a link to your post in the comments below.

As with Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS), if you see a pingback from someone else in my comment section, click and have a read. It’s bound to be short and sweet.

Unlike SoCS, this is not a prompt so there’s no need to stick to the same “theme.”

The rules that I’ve made for myself (but don’t always follow) for “One-Liner Wednesday” are:

1. Make it one sentence.

2. Try to make it either funny or inspirational.

3. Use our unique tag #1linerWeds.

4. Add our very cool badge to your post for extra exposure!

5. Have fun!

#1linerWeds badge by Dan Antion

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

29 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday – Ink

  1. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday – Salad, Spreading, Religion, 28, Ten Years & Sponge « culturevultureexpress

  2. Pingback: Ink #1linerweds | The Story Files

  3. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday – Doorknob | Darswords

  4. Pingback: one-liner wednesday • 09/05/18 | HIP TO BE SNARK

  5. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday | teleportingweena

  6. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday~ Mother | Margret's Life Journey

  7. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – Science Behind the Art – Fleeting Muse

  8. Pingback: #1LinerWeds. 5/9/18 – J-Dubs Grin and Bear It

  9. Pingback: #1LinerWeds from Strother Martin – The Sound of One Hand Typing

  10. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – Cookies & Moo

  11. Pingback: Suicide Tendency — STOP – Sharing With Others –

  12. Pingback: OLW: draw the line – sixty, single and surviving

  13. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday: Home Thoughts From Abroad | the only deadhead in the hameau

  14. Pingback: Time And Tide Wait For No Man – A Unique Title For Me

  15. Good one, Linda! One of these Wednesdays, I’ll stick to one line…! Thank you for the smile to start the day.


  16. Love it! I’m lol-ing! My one-liner inspired my Story A Day May story for today.


  17. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday — Street Sounds – Poetry, Short Prose and Walking

  18. I am laughing, just thinking about the grammar nerds among my family and friends, getting a bad tattoo 🙂

    “You had to be their”

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Pingback: Poetic Subjectivity | Mary J Melange

  20. Pingback: One-liner Wednesday – Boldly going… –

  21. Pingback: Crisis Mode – #1linerWeds – No Facilities

  22. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday — Happily Ever After – This, That, and The Other

  23. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesdays: Listen – Mint Tea and Elephants

  24. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Ice Cream Love | But I Smile Anyway...

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