Life in progress

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357. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Thursday, August 23rd, 5:00pm
Sandi (and Candice)


Sandi sits at the window. Candice takes the seat beside her.

Sandi: Hey there!

Candice: Hi!

Sandi: I heard about your big news! Congratulations!

Candice: Yep. Getting married, going back to school. It’s like I’m growing up.

Sandi: I won’t be with Madame very much longer either.

Candice: Oh no?

Sandi: (smiles) Jeff and I are having a baby.

Candice: Oh my God! (hugs her) That’s wonderful!

Sandi: Yeah. Can’t exactly whip guys when I’ve got a baby bulge. And anyway, Jeff’s looking for a job out of province, so we’ll be moving soon. I hope.

Candice: Is the church going to take him back?

Sandi: I think so.

Candice: I hope you’re not leaving too soon. I was hoping you’d be my maid of honour.

Sandi: I’d love that! Who’s Justin’s best man going to be?

Candice: (shrugs) A friend of his from Calgary. Jimmy. Haven’t met him yet.

Sandi: I wonder what Madame’s going to do without us.

Candice: She’s been interviewing people. I think she’s going to go with someone named Andrea. Apparently, she’s got more energy than the two of us put together.


Next stop: Friday, August 24th, 7:00pm

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190. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Friday, March 9th, 4:00pm
Sandi and Candice (and Dale)


Candice sits at the window, Sandi in the aisle seat. Dale takes the seat across the aisle.

Dale: (to Sandi) Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while.

Sandi: Hi.

Dale: What’s new?

Sandi: Not much. I got married a few months ago.

Dale: That’s great! Congratulations.

Sandi: What about you?

Dale: Oh you know. Wife left me.

Sandi: That’s too bad …

Dale: (waves hand) It happens. (holds up a leash) And then my dog.

Sandi: Left you?

Dale: Just got hit by a bus. Yesterday.

Sandi: Oh no!

Dale: Yeah. I’m taking the leash to give it to a friend.

Sandi: I’m so sorry for all your troubles.

Dale: Thanks. (looks up) This is my stop. Nice to see you again.

Sandi: You too.

Dale gets off the bus.

Candice: Who was that?

Sandi: I haven’t got a clue.


Next stop: Saturday, March 10th, 9:00pm

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164. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Sunday, February 11th 1:00 1:20pm
Candice and Sandi


Candice: I can’t believe Madam called us in to work a double shift.

Sandi: We knew after the third movie came out the dungeon would get busier again.

Candice: (sighs) Yeah. Oh well. My favourite new client is coming in tonight.

Sandi: Justin?

Candice nods happily.

Sandi: Really like him, do you?

Candice: Kinda.

Sandi: I’m happy for you.

Candice: Thanks. So what’s going on with the preacher these days? Not working yet?

Sandi: Nope.

Candice: I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you to quit. Or have you brought him over to the dark side?

Sandi: (snorts) Whichever, I just wish he’d decide what he wants to do. I don’t mind being the breadwinner ‘n’ all, but he’s been miserable sitting around doing nothing ever since we got married.

Candice: Tell him to get involved with a group for wayward souls. God knows we get enough of those at work.

Sandi: The scared and the curious.

Candice: And now the Ana-wannabes.

Sandi: (rolls eyes) Yep. You may have something there.


Next stop: Monday, February 12th 5:00pm

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78. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Friday, November 17th, 7:00pm
Candice and Sandi


Candice: I can’t believe you’re coming back to work.

Sandi: Yeah, hell, I’ve got to make a living, right?

Candice: Doesn’t the preacher make enough?

Sandi: Jeff’s suspended from work.

Candice: (looking shocked) Because you guys got married?

Sandi: Yep. Apparently him marrying someone who worked in a dungeon is too much for the church to handle.

Candice: So what is he gonna do?

Sandi: Take it to the higher-up.

Candice: You mean …

Sandi: Yep, the big guy himself.

Candice: Damn.

Sandi: Let’s hope not.


Next stop: Saturday, November 18th, 8:00pm

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32. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Monday, October 2nd, 6:00pm
Jeff and Sandi (and everyone on the bus)


Jeff: So I’ve been thinking.

Sandi: About what?

Jeff: About where our relationship is going.

Sandi: (looks down at their hands clasped together) Do you think that’s a good idea?

Jeff: Are you happy with it the way it is? All this sneaking around?

Sandi: What is the alternative? Unless I quit my job at the dungeon, there’s no way you can go public with the fact that we’re dating.

Jeff: But we’re not doing anything wrong …

Sandi: Your superiors aren’t going to understand that. They’ll see only what’s on the surface.

Jeff: So what if … (gets up and kneels in the aisle beside her, a diamond ring in his hand) What if I asked you to marry me?

Sandi lifts her right hand to her mouth, her left is poised in front of Jeff.

Jeff: Life is much to short to let it pass us by worrying about what other people think. If you’ll say yes, it won’t matter what you do. Sandi, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?

Sandi: YES!

Everyone on the bus applauds as they kiss.


Next stop: Tuesday, October 3rd, 5:00pm

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19. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Tuesday, September 19th, 5:00pm
Jeff (and Candice)


Jeff sits beside the window alone.

Candice: (taking the seat beside him) Hey, aren’t you Sandi’s boyfriend?

Jeff opens his mouth but says nothing.

Candice: You’re Jeff, right?

Jeff: Yes …

Candice: Sandi told me all about you. I work with her.

Jeff: At the …

Candice: Dungeon, yeah. She says you’re going to save her.

Jeff tugs at his clerical collar.

Candice: It looks like all you want to do right now is save yourself from this conversation.

Jeff: (laughs) You’re very astute. What exactly did Sandi tell you about me?

Candice: She told me you spent a ‘heavenly’ weekend together.

Jeff: That we did.

Candice: So are you going to make an honest woman out of her?

Jeff: I’d like to. But I know she enjoys her job very much.

Candice: And I’m guessing you do too.

Jeff nods.

Candice: Have you ever thought about checking out where we work? I mean, for yourself … not to save everyone there.

Jeff: I couldn’t …

Candice: There are plenty of things that I would think you ‘couldn’t’ do.

Jeff looks down at his hands and smiles.

Candice: (bumps his shoulder with hers) Struck a nerve?

Jeff: (laughs wryly) I suppose I owe it to Miss Fantasia to see where she spends her days. She’s familiar with my workplace, after all.

Candice: I’m sure she’d be thrilled.

Jeff: (looks her in the eye) Thank you.

Candice: For what?

Jeff: For helping me see the light.

Candice: (slaps his knee) You’re a funny guy.


Next stop: Wednesday, September 20th, 8:00pm

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12. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Note: Strong language, adult themes.

Tuesday, September 12th, 5:00pm
Sandi (and Candice)


Sandi sits at the window seat daydreaming about Jeff.

Candice: I didn’t think you were going to work today.

Sandi: (jumps hearing Candice’s voice, then pats the seat beside her) I wasn’t going to but Lana called in sick and The Grump is coming in today.

Candice: Fuck, no.

Sandi: Yeah.

Candice: I wish I could take him off your hands.

Sandi: Eeh, he’s not that bad. Sure, he’s loud and whiny, but he’s pretty easy to please.

Candice: I’ve got Mr. Avon today.

Sandi: Shit. So you’ll be up to your elbows in makeup before you even start. And isn’t he the one who wants you to wear nothing but rubber?

Candice: (nods and whispers) That rubber bra chafes something awful.

Sandi: You should tell him no.

Candice: Tried that once. He refused to pay.

Sandi: Ooh, was Madame very upset?

Candice: I couldn’t sit down for a week. So, how was your weekend with the preacher?

Sandi: (sighs and rests her head on the glass) Heaven.

Candice: The Grump is in for a treat then.

Sandi: (nods and smiles) I’m going to correct the fuck out of him.


Next stop: Wednesday, September 13th,  7:00pm

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9. Scenes from the Second Seat on the Right

Saturday, September 9th, 9:00pm
Jeff and Sandi


Jeff: Are going to work tomorrow?

Sandi: I don’t know. You?

Jeff: I have to.

Sandi: Jet lag’s a bitch. It was fun though, right?

Jeff: (smiling) I had the best time ever.

They kiss.

Sandi: So, do we have to go back to pretending?

Jeff: We don’t have a choice.

Sandi: (nods) It sucks.

Jeff: Believe me, I’d love to yell, ‘I love this woman!’ from the rooftops.

Sandi squeezes his hand.

Sandi: I’m thinking about quitting.

Jeff: No! You can’t quit. If anyone should, it’s me.

Sandi: (laughing) Riiight. You can’t quit and you know it.

Jeff: Yeah. Would you do that for me? I mean, I’m not asking you to do it, but would you?

Sandi: (looks into his eyes) I’d do anything for you. You know that.

They kiss for a while.

Jeff: My stop’s coming up.

Sandi: Want me to get off with you?

Jeff: Better not. We both need a good night’s sleep.

Sandi: (sighs) Yeah, I guess you’re right. Call me in the morning.

Jeff: (kisses her) Sure thing. Good night, Miss Fantasia.

Sandi: Good night Reverend Fisher.


Next stop: Sunday, September 10th, 9:00am

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